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Show ( 94 ‘) (95) The Supprell'ron 0:" {o enormous and f0 dangerous an Evil, is a great Obiect of State,which has been long, {tr too long neglec‘ted: the Laws that have been made for preventing it, others equally valuable, and the late Accemons of Territory hating given us the Monopoly of forne, which we have hitherto only {hared with the Hem/2, the Reltraint is upon the fame Princi- were limit into Dilbl‘e, and the due Execution ples of Policy extended to thefe alfo, and Cofi‘ee, of them is become obnoxious to (hole who have Pimento, Cocoa Nuts, Whale. Fins, Raw Silk, Hides and Skins, Pot and Pearl All)€S, are by the beenl'ufl‘ered to contemn them with Impunity, 'l‘hat Licentioulnels however is now at an End; the Reform that was necellhry, has I hear b-zcn made among the Officers of the Crown, The Civil, the Military, the naval Powers, ap. pearto have been all exerted, for the lame {alu- tary l'urpol‘es; and the Legillative Authority has in the great A6}, that has been {0 olten men" tioned, added Vigour and Effect to the former Laws of Trade and Navigation : the particular Claufes that belong to the immediate Subieéls of this A1"; Only, demand the Attention of thofe who, are concerned in the Branches of Trade, which they reiflpe Lively regulate ; but are too numerous and too minute to be enlarged upon at prelent, It is luh‘icent to oblerve. that. they are all con~ tlucive to the fame End with thoie more general Provilions, which on Account of their cxtenlive importance, are univerlhlly interefiing. The Policy of prohibiting certain enumerated Goods, from being exported out of the Plan-l~ rations, except 0 lbme other Brita/12 Plantation, or to Great Brit/nix, was introduced by the firll: Apt or irade and ‘I‘Jawgation, and has been, aoopted in many lubltquent Statutes. The enumerated Commodities were thote which appeared at that Time the molt importantto le- cure to Bri/iflz Traders only 3 but the Great lm~ Act of the lafl: Semons added to the enumerated Commodities, hecaufe they are necefihry for our own COnlumption or Manufaé'tures; IrOn and Lumber, tho' of equal Utility, yet being a great Article of Trade, in foreign Plantations, are. allowed to be dilpofed of there ; but are not to be carried to any other Part of Europc, ex. cept to Great Britain. A Bond has been always required for every Vellel loading enumerated Goods, by which the Parties concerned obliged tliernle1ves to comply with the Laws that relate to them; but when non-enumerated Goods only have been (hipped, no Security has ever been taken for the proper Dilpol'al of the Returns ul‘ually made from the. foreign Plantations : and great Qjantities of foreign Melades and Syrups have been clandelm. tinely run into the Colonies, the Importers ot which would have been detered from attempting the Pe- to finuggle, if they had been lzable to Bond nalties or their Bonds upon Detection. A thereloreis by this A& required on the loading Condition, oil non-enumerated Goods alfo, with lhall be that if any foreign Melalles or Syrups {hail be taken on board in Return, the lame Plan~ Britin a brough t to Great Britain, or to ‘ ‘ . fliall, on tation, and the Malterof the Vell'el his Cargo. his Avril make a true Report or 15,1: provemcnts of the Colonies having tproduced . AA in. b 7 . L others |