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Show (110) Common Council- and yet f0 far from ext it'l't'i" 11.111 ef'rahlilh one; for all who took thole Gran-ts Re11e1tntat0n it ‘ ere Britifl) Subieels, inhabiting Bri/f/[I'z Du- deeg not impeach their Right to Ch11i'e Memheis :f'ninions, and who at the lime. 01' taking were of Parliament: it is true, that the }owe1s-vefi1_<.i in the Common Council of Laizdmz, are not equal to thol'e which the Aiiiénibiies in the Plan» tations enjoy -, but i'till they are iegil'iative Powers, to be eXereiieti within their 11111119111111 over their Citizens -, get not exciui'ively of the genelai indifputahi) und11 the Authority of Pat]lian1e1'11 ;, 1110r them from the national 1'10 other Power can abridne that*311:11:11:'tl".0' iii11>eni'e with the (.‘Jbetii enee th:t 19 due to 12!; 1111.12. 1herei',ore to whom 111e L11..1t--: 1v . - " n1liv oi»wen, 'Couid i121 7131I'J'nguor' ' 1 "";m '1 91111 W hat the i; 9'9 SUPCI‘iDtCDiJI1ce of the g1e9t Council of tie. Nztion: Ihe Subjefis 01" a By-i 9W and of 911 [‘1I. of i.'.11i1:.1;1ent may poflibiy be. the h;1n1e yet it iitVL" 1.1 21.9 imapined that the Privileges 115. [mini 1 incompatible with the Au: hority or 1‘111.‘-11; 1t11t, and indeed what (01m111iié‘tion, nor was it ever 11'. Idea the the Charters ti'emfe‘m, {o1111 211ml 3081113: the 8111190 Anti at'et r all, does 9:y ‘11113111.. to the Coir)» wi1111.i1111<1ity, do 5 a double Repreftntation hies dehre the them/1.. : he unmet, if he viii rei'imt but :1 Mon 111: on the Venice:trices. hpiy9 What clifiicuity is thete in allowing: 10111, the? bath fhould even be veIieit with equal IAe vahu the Licrht of be'1111g1'1'31'11e1e1'1te1i 119the national Legiflature :19 the 3-. iegi{I1 tin: ioweis, ii the one is to be exercifed enjoy, 11011511 uIIiy wouit _ lo 11: .1i, 91'. :i. the other for general I uruoi'etr' 1:011:17 1111.11lh1 t'erosrate from the fiiperior Authorh 11 thev alone Were ti 1‘ q . l liOniCiige Detven1'9.110 111'. (. ountry -, .1titti19ti2e'1en1i'1icwow DC saver); It wouii he a fingtilar Objeétion to a Man'.9 not Lonnet um 11' they bore :10 Edit inti1e \' ote 1'01 9 IZembe1 of Parliament, that being Government oi ti.5' 11'111.1'1e: the" woultl then inhabi‘ 311:1'eeti be.111 :1 111012".'Sit 121t 11.111 than the Vir- them 0'1 all 1.11115 01' 1111291112, isr the {1. ate v1 A I l and when i1 the Neeefiity flat the Suhm'tiinate 1 1'1'1.11'tl'enteti'in 11 provincial, he cannot be itp1e~ fenced in 911:1.tional A97 111biy-, and it this is not {iii}?i1‘1L1/1'1'I‘t .31'o~111ti for an Oi1je€tit>11, neither is it 1111;1ni'xth'1ption, or for any i'1ettnee of 1111 L}\‘CiUiUH‘ iht. 1'hatter anti the p10piietmy Governments 111.11. , 11113111tilisRCfptC'fion the i'ame Foot in; with the Ixeil Ihe comp1ehending them all 0, both 111 11 pr'ovinciai and 11911011:1i Repiei'en- 1.1:2011, is 110: rteceiI91'iiyotte1ntieciwith any incon- intent}, and noth'mrr contained'1.11 theii Grunts can tnaiiv, tho' few 02" then are octuelly rep-relented s were intthe Au ._ [I L..'01s;;,z:;: .3 1f the Colonie not, the 1/ mmd not expeé't that their iotexds e e011f and their Privi iege 3 would"u€ anv othermF thofe 0 f1ered there, thin as hibiervient to of t: Great Britain; 101 to deny the Authority to .1Shanf I egifl21ture,is to lorrentier 9ll Claims e in itsCouncils, and" if thiswere the lemr '0 anf‘.‘ OUS p'lI'iCi" |