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Show (98) (99) Bhrrennel's and the Smallnefs 0F their Extent, fitfor that Purpofe alone, may not be made The Power of hiring Ships within cert~ir Dil‘tances of the Shore (which as has been Seen) VVarehoufes for liipplying the Bria/12 Colonies is given by this Act in in many initances, wall with Franz/z Merchandize, to the Prejudice of our Manufaé‘tures and Navigation, and the Encouragement of their Fii‘heries ; a vigorous Claufe liibiefts to Forfeiture every Erin/J: Veli'el. concerned in any Trade whntloever with thtle Ifiands, or hovering on their Coulis, or (iii; covered to have been there. The Attention of the Legiflature has not however been confined to Amerzm .- Frauds panic» tiled in Britain with a View to a clandeliine rnaltc the Sea Guard of Cruizers and Cum-is which was trliiiblilhed ljielore, and has been of » Trade in the Colonies, have fallen under their Notice ;_and to prevent them it has been found neceflhry to regulate the Trade from hence to the Colonies. It has been a common i'rnfiice for B-rz'riflz Ships provided with a (Yugo in fo~ reign Countries, which was pretended to be de- ftined for a foreign Planzation, jolt to touch at lbme Ont-port or this Kingdom, and there to fingulnr Uh; already, {till more eflfleittiil, To liteep up a Body of Seaman lit for Service, and not to keep them in Service, is lillPl'tltSilCtll‘lC : 'l‘hev wiil not be Scainen long, if active Billi- ni‘ll‘dis :ict found for them; and the employing therefore part of that Nun'iber which P.1l‘lll* en: has thought proper lhould be naintain‘il turinr; the l'cace, in the Prevention of String; glinggboth here and in the Colonies, trinilrit'cs ~:it the linne time to the great. l'urpole or lilp: porting :1 naval Power, to the lll‘llll‘OVt'l‘l‘inC(it the Revenue, and to the Regulation of Com- inercm The Officers and the Men who are en~ gagged in this Duty are encouraged to pgr;i1‘m it with Si irit and Alacrity by the Prizes tiey take {mall Parcels of Gnods on board, which may cxpcél; and the Chccl; thatflhas hitherto ilackencd their Vigilance, :ti‘iling from the DJ- they entered for a Brita/II Colony : Under cover of tliele, howeVer inconfiderable, they gaintd lit‘ulties that attended l'rol‘ecunon‘, and the Uncertainty of the Shares they would entitle Admittance into the (interim): Ports, and there Opportunities were not wanting to run the whole Cargoes on lhore: This pernicious Contrivance themlelves'to, which were f0 varied in did-rent to evade the Law is now defeated, as no Ship can from henceforth be cleared out from any 132-21In?) for any Ain'erimiz Port, unlels her whole Aifls ol‘ Parliament, that it was become :1 Se.enrv to untlerl'tand them, is removed by the Act or the lalt Scflions: The fame Forms of l'rcy (:eedings being now ellablilhed for. all l'i‘olc'CIl" tions, and one certain Divihon beinghow tinge: The Cuflom-houie Ulnar-s Cargo be laden here ; and all Goods which of all Seifurcs. fliall he found on board, and which are not exprefli,‘ delEribed in the Cocket which the Mafia-r lhare the Benefits of this An‘iezitlrnent ordnaLaw, and of the feveral other ls'ztcilnms 91%;". is chligrd to take, are liable to be itized to them in the lixeeutimi of their ~1- Office" While on the other han T l; e- O ~> |