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Show ( 78 ) (79) cheaper than any that can be imported from the by Exportntion to our Colonies on the C011; tii1e1t:but hitherto thofe veiy Colonies have 1111th 1e 111‘111111/111111 g of thL r'rem/z 1‘ elaflEs: 211111 to permit them now to be biought111 any other Shape than as a raw Material, would be very Lietiimem 11 to the Nari/9147771677562 D1111111.137: A [1116111011ibitionisthm'cforelzziLl 011 {111 Ram or Spiril; oft/‘25 P70111166 or 111111211/(153211'1' If may of '-;:‘"1 11'111101't11'1': 1111111511, LLvenue, 1 11131111 "16 Cc'am'cs 07' 11/01/1110": in America mt {1117113 1'1/7E 1612 ar 20de the 13071711012 of 111'; 2111.11J, his .11171'15 01' 1'11'1'1' #13111 01'LlLr to 101Le the 71c.11 to JLipr‘ly the 11111111115 or our C >lonies 1111 their 5'11 Cane, 11111.3- 11".111211 1.111L11111is, tho th1y can make it into hum tilt r11- ,1'1'1'11111111L1 81193311111 been 0:2.111-111101'01' 11.1.111L'111 111113111: 1-;lves, 1111:11110' Il‘lC liaLle 11011L'11211L111010111e 1,-11111'11153 1111111, 1111 taught 311:1 12:1 to it by 0111' People, 1211111: We we." in 111111:-.11311 of their } 1* that Time fome D1111 leries were 1' or this 1'11rpofe,wl1ich are {11111:.0 be cmw mePeaL‘e; but thLy (.7111 never be 11 ane if "e (10 not helv: the Per . 10': "111.1 in them to:'iipofe of wlat they quire-Ll 101111. huntioi‘13:1 :1 Duty 0‘1 1-1111101.1 all foi'cz'gn 1'1-L1111C9; 1::- : 111-111 1111511111711 111;: 3)"1("(,_';11r:)1 01' Jxki‘re'uL: (1'11 11l:.1'¢'i1 41.1;1L1'7'f1/7‘ L111". thishas p11111L1LL1- 1111111111 1111}; "Ft-15'1", .110 the Commodit, hes 111L311 11(11"/1 1111 the 1'1116 111 , gi'eat Q11111t111Ls.11-11L111 01 1711}: 11:)1‘1 -: .1.-kart 1" has been fitileh int 1 01 111% 01'111Ci'1 portincw theeo any 3 11111111'11e..3x1'1:11ce 511111'lei11g'1ia1sibeen 1110115111 to '11 C111111111} 01 about11'11ee11111-11L11L'L' 11611111111, whicl was a. C11 111156: 1111011 the 1.1.17 Mateiiziis befoxe it came to the M1111111[UI‘CI, 11111011116110 to one F'ou1th of 1 :1 1(1ng .11 10111H' 'r'111z1e will not permitthet Colonies the Duty, and dei'tiuL‘Live 01 the whole. under 10111111311111 :1 hxlanufaé‘ture that [11-1111 inteifeie with my Branch 01 her 01111, aid will t 1'1e1efme m this Charwe the D1fiilleries of North flmw'i and 111'-1V1; fiouriihed to a furprizing Degree; meant the 11121!;inrr of Rum, To for as it 111173513 11.11"ely1t is to be wiihed that the Burthen now the Confmnption 00foer 13111111131. There can for this Region be very little V 611: for it, unlels '1111011 the Merchandize, thould 1/1le a hevenue to Smug‘ if)' the Publidi infiead of a P101112 glcrs, 01133.1( b1 .n-JQ Coz111110 Liityimy he at the 1‘11'1'1L' of ‘:01'='1:Ltion: 131111111 is 1\/1el:.1'11Es 1111111111'1111'1‘1111'61'1: ‘5 :: 3'11.'1'}; vvexe unacqu'flnted W111: thL Art 1.:' ."7'11 did not give into the 1';:1'1'?i1:L' of ‘11te1'1:111011 0') new Duties 11111 hex1 1\e-‘L'11*"~'1§ ' " 1h11t 1:1;Lie 1':13 1111.1. elin '11 31 ‘6"ifint11't, 111111 the 1.613111: 01' 1311175111111; [TeX/2 Tracie in t1'115-‘f'111'tieh', is :ionL-Li 1'0 the SL101: ofl11.111.311.31-51141'1; 111 I i L 1-". - Atte mm to recove this Commodity, 111111 be vei'J {Liviceeable to thofe (31110111135 -'tl1c ((16111 1112111115 too will l1avetl1eii'1h111'e of t'1e Excnefit, as the Certainty of Moiiture from the \‘1' omineéh of tleCountiy, 21111.1 [118 Cncapi e1" 01 1.111: (1 111 Lure , will 11.1111121't111s a very '::'1'11e1':'11111 a very ‘ [11013: 11110 5'- t 1"1'1321/2 1fl11111Ls into fine/i111, WI'11 faciliate the |