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Show , (58) 9' i l 59 l There is no Occafion to accompany this Ac: count with any Obfervations; only to {late it, Crone Principle to the l/Zm‘rimfiz, as is followed in rci‘pccit to our home 'l‘rale and Confiiniprion. is to prove the Necefiity of an additional Ameri- One general Clam: with this View tiiminilhes the can Revenue; they can certainly bear more; Draw-back :illrmnd on Re-exportntion, and en- they ought to raife more: The Subjects and the ails that 71/) Part 5‘15): film or Draw, confirming: called 77A! 0U Sling/Lilly, fluff Eve repaid or (1er LC)! back, for (my fart/jg}: Goad; of the Growl/z, Produfifimz, or firfcztzzrv‘icfizire of Europe, or the Earlilndies, w‘Ii.r/'z_/7m:'f[/c [Xf591‘[€d from this Kingdom to (my Britilh Calvin-7, Wines, ct‘r‘zz'tc Calliroirr, am Mode of new Impofitions are therefore the only Confiderations; but to lay them on Subjects, and in fuch a Manner as would not be oppreflive to thofe who were to pay them, would not be dangerous, in the delicate Situation of the C010‘ nies, with refpeé‘t to their Trade, their Improve‘ ments, and their Connection with the Mother Country, and would at the fame time apply equally to all, in their different Stages of Progrefs from Infancy to Maturity, was a Meafure that required the utmofi Caution, Circumfpeétion, and Care : It came under the Delibera- fifuflim, viz/[r excepted, which are otherwili: provided for. In many Articles this will give a Turn in favmir of [iii/{[72 Produce and Mannfactures ; in fome, it may be an Intluccment to the Colonies to apply to the Cultivation ofCommoilities, they may very well raife, but have hitherto neglected; but in none can it be oppref- Revenue, which may be expected from it, tho' very confiderable, feems the leafl: important five to retain all the Old Subfidy, the whole of which is a very low Duty, and half of it is retained already, thele foreign Commodities Will {lill come much Cheaper to the American: than they do to their fell w S bjects here, who pay: on'almoll; all of them lomc, and on many or Object; fo veryjudicious, fo very interefiing them very large additional. duties, and indeed are the feveral Provifions of this Aft, for the can in general Zlil‘bl‘tl to pay note. The Revenue Purpofes of Commerce and Colonization. To encourage the Confirmption of our own Produce and our own ManufaCtures, in prefe- too of the Cultoms here will be incrcnfiéd, from rence to thofe of other Countries, has been tho' it would. be tedious to enter into the floral at all times an undiprted Maxim of P05 licy; and for this Purpofe, high Duties and even Prohibitions have been laid Upon foreign 0f the numbcrlcis Articles, and the various Rates upon the lbvcral Articles that will be oh tion of Parliament the 139: Winter, and by their Wifdom an Aét was paired to be the Foundation of an American Revenue, which is formed upon fuch Principles, that the Increafe in the Commodities, while Bounties have been granted on our own. The general Tendeno cy iof the Act now before us is to extend the fame the great Qiiantity of Goods, upon which this liiving of the iiiraw-bacl; will be made} and ferfted by it, without which Detail, no exafi; to DC Calculation can be magic of the ‘ ,ci expected from this Duty ; yet Itli putation, and which certainly is l |