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Show COMMISSIONER OF INDIAN AFFAIRS. 31 fied with amendments, to which the Indiana readily assented. As this treaty has been published, I deem it unnecessary to allude to its provisions further than to $tate, that by its terms the reservations at Gull lake, Mille Lac, Sandy lake, Rabbit lake, Pokagomic lake, and Rice lake, are ceded to the United States, and a new reservation established in the vicinity of and including the reserves of the Pillager and Lake Winnibigoshish banda for the Indians of the reservations ceded, the banda last named to retsin that portion of the new reserve to which under their former trsaty they were eukitlcd. The new treaty hw not as yet been carried fully into effect for want of the necessary appropriations, but is understood to he satisfactory to a large majority of the Indians interested. TheIndians will be removed to their new home as soon as the neeesaary pre-liminaries required at our hands can be perfected. To the extent that the treaty has the effect of concentrating the fndians of Minnesotn, it cannot, in my judg-ment, prove otherwise than advantageous and gratifying to the citizens of that State, and will in the end, I have no doubt, promote the heat interests of the Indians. The Chippewas of Lake Superior have maintained their nand friendly rela-tions, and, it is believed, are gradually improving in their knowledge of and dispo'sition to engage in the arts of civilized tife. Dnring the past summer the Red Cliff reservation has been greatly enlarged, and is now believed to be sufficiently ample in extent to accommodate all the Indians of this agency. I t is proposed to concentrate them upon this reservation as fast as their consent can be obtained. The annnal report for 1862 of Agent ~albrai thw, ho was in charge of the Sionx of Minnesota at the time of their terrible outbreak in the autumn of that year, which report was received too late for publication with my last annual . rePo& will be found among the accompanying papers. His clear and forcible description of the condition of the Indians under his charge prior to the> out-break, of the preparations which had been made to provide for their welfare, of the progresa made by many of them in acquiring a knowledge of our arts and customs, and of the apparently sure indications of iuereasing comfort, thrift, and prosperity throughout the tribe, will he read with interest by all wbo seek a ablution of the problem of Indian civilization. It is sad to reflect upon the great change which has been wrought in the condition of these Indians. Prior to engaging in their horrible work of death, they were located upon two reser-vations, which, in point of fertility, healthful climate, excellence of timber and water, and in all the necesswy reqnirements of a thriving and happy commu-nity, were unsurpassed by any within our borders. They were under the fos-tering care of the government, ample provisions had been made for their physical, intellectual, and moral cultivation, and no doubt could he entertained that the patient and persevering efforts which were being made for their im-provement and happiness would, if left nnintermpted, finally result in cqm-plete success. Now all in changed. Full three-fourths of their entire numbers are fugitives from that justice which, notwithstanding their present hostile and |