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Show 28 REPOBT OF THE and in that event it will probably be better that the approval of the allotments be suspended until it shall be aseertaiud what number of those to whom allot. ments have been made may desire to continue their connexion with the tribe. As an evidenee of the disposition on the part of these Indiana to abandon their hereditary customs and assume those of the whites, I mention the fact that allot-ments in severalty have been made to some thirteen hundred and seventy-five individuals. When it is considered that the aoceptauce of these allotments has been left to the voluntary choice of the individuals receiving the same, and thak nothing is regarded by the wild Indian as more degrading than an abandon-ment of the customs of his fathers, and a resort to manuallabor, theimportanee of this valuable change in their condition-valuable because voluntary-will be fully appreciated. b The manna1 labor school at this agency, under the patronage of *he St. Mary's Catholic mission, is well sustained, and its good effects upon the tribe ore everywhere apparent, and cannot be too highly appreciated. The sehoolis divided into two departments, the male and female; at the former of which there has been, during the past year, an average attendance of ninety-five scholars, between the ages of six and eighteen years, and at the latter seventy-five. The management of these schot~lsa nd the progress and good conduct of the ~cholarsa re desening of the high encomiums bestowed by all nnder whose observation they have come. The health of the tribe during the past year has been good, and its agricnl-bra1 operations have been eminently successful. By the terms of their last treaty with the United States provision is made for the admission of such in-dividuals of the tribe as may be fonnd competent to the privileges of citizenship. The agent reports that this provision of the treaty is having a very salutary effect, and that very many are ambitious to obtain this distinction, and are en-davoring by good condnct to prove themselves worthy. The report of Agent Irish an& its accompanying papers contain a full and interesting statement of the condition, prospects, and wants of the Omahas. The tribe numbers about one thousand souls, and, by its industry and the assistance and encouragement rendered by the government, has succeeded in securing an abundant supply for all its wants. In my judgment the time has fully arrived when the provision of their treaty in regard to a survey of their reservation, and an allotment of land in severalty to the members of the tiibe, should be made. Unless it shall he found practicable within a short time to secure a more favorable location for this tribe in the Indian country south of Kansas, and to secure the assent of the tribe to a removal, I shall, with yonr . permission, institute the necessary measures to carry this provision into effect. No very high degree of civilization can be attained by a tribe, as such, or by any of its individual members, while the property, pereonal and real, is held in common. This system operates aa an indirect encouragement to idleness and its attendant vices, and is, at the same time, wanting in the encouragement which, under the system of uidividual ownership, is afforded to the industriona and enterprising by the comforts md conveniences resulting from their labor. |