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Show UTAH SUPERINTENDENCY. 419 one hand red with reluctantly shed blood, stretches ont the other with kindness over the long-lieplected savage for his redemption. I t cannot fail to be a source of great perionai satisfaction to those whokave an agency in this great work. All of which ia most respectfully submiad. JAMES W. NYE, Gmwrnm and Ex-oficio S%pmitendent of Iadian Axairs for the Territory of Xeuada. Hon. WM. P. BOLE, Commideonw of Indian Axairs. UTAH SUPERINTENDENCY. No. 3. SUPERINTENDEOFN ICNY DIAAFNFA IRS, Uteh Tm'tory, Great Salt Lake City, Octoher 24, 1863. SIR: In compliance with the regulations of the Indian department, I have the honor to present the following annual report for the year 1863. Its earlier transmission was impractibable, htving been engaged in the pcrfomance of my dnties as commissioner to treat w~ t hth e Shoshonees until this date. I beg leave to refer to the.anndgatima(e for this snperintendency which waa submitted last vear as ni.ooer for the comin-e v.ea r.. and also to resnectfullv recom-mend that the goods fcr p;esents, farming implements, kc., be p;rchased in,New York and shipped ae early as practicable in the s-p lin-g , as it is difficult to obtain them in this isy, and only at extravagant prices. Several of the Utah hands are both willing and desirons to become settled, as herdsmen or husbandmen, on the Uinta reserration. It is now nnoccnpied, cx-cent for huntine dnrine the winter. I t would be advaotaeeons to the eovem-mint to complywith t&ir wiehrs, and it in again suggeatedihat rlratirn made wich them for their renloval nod location tl~erc. They wo~~tlhde1 1 hc witlidrawu from the present routes of travel tbroueh this Territoiv, and mace insured here-after wid a people strongly inclined-to agricnlturaf pnreGts, but who have, ' from unknown causes, at several times this season, attacked the stag-e s and killed the drivers. \ Their friendship.cannot be relied npon whilst they are in the immediate vi-cinity of the white settlements; and for this as well as otherreasons it is believed that aU expenditures upon the farm at Spanish Fork are a waste of nublic mone.v:. that the firm ought to'br abandoned, abd thr agency removed to'L'inta valley, whrrrall iniprovementj made would Ilave a permanent value. l'hc il~l~abitants at Spanish Fork, as also in other auarters, fir their onn securitv aeaiust denre-datiins, seek to maintain friendly relarinnPwith the Indians, asi; previous yoare the government has not beer1 nLle to give them adequate protection. During rlle vear 1862 and the winter n~onthso f thid vear mnnv of the Indians in this &perihtendency manifested decided evidence; of host5ity toward the whites. The numeroue murders and depredations npon property which they eom-mitted, as also their language, indicated a determination to stop all travel upon the overland routes and npon the roads leading to the gold mines in Idaho Terri-tory. I t became nnsafe even for the Mormon settlers to go into the caiions for wood; and the Bannack prophet said the Indians wonld combine and drive the white men from the country. This was his advice to the Shoshonee bands. The battle with the Shoshonees on the bank of Bear river in Janiury, and the anbsequent engagements with the Utahs on Spanish Fork, and with the Goaships iq their country, effectually checked them, and severely and justly punished them for the wanton acts of cruelty which they had committed. The fight on |