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Show REPORT OF THE intermarriages among blood relations, which is necessarily the case in small I communities completely isolated from their own race, and which results in I scrofula and its kindred diseases, and in the end must prove most disastrous to I the tribes subjected to its influence. I t is believed that the policy of concen-trating the Indians in a country which will be owned and occupied by them I exclusively will nearly, if not entirely, banish these evils from their midst. I succeeded in negotiating treaties with the Sacs and Foxes of the Missis-sippi, with the Creeks, the Osages, the Shawnees, and the New York Indians, all of which, as I conceive, are fair and jnst in their stipulations, and will, in due time, be transmitted to you to be laid before the President and Senate for their constitutional sanction and approval. If these treaties are ratified, I have no doubt they will prove the beginning of a policy in which the ~ndia'nso f the i central snpenntendency will readily acquiesce, and which will, in the end, prove of inestimable value to them, and pery greatly promote the interests of the whitee among whom they are now located. NORTHERN SUPEBIXTENDENCY. With the exception of an annual report from Agent Wehb, none have heen received from the superintendent or any of the other agents of this superin-tendency; consequently my information relative thereto ia mainly derived fmm the current communicationi receivedduring the year from those officers and i others. I t wilt be remembered 'that, in consequence of the hostilities on the part of the Sioux of Minnesota, and the tbreate~inga ttitude assumed by some of the r hands comprising the Chippewas of the Mississippi, it was last year found im-practicable for the commissioners appointed to make a treaty with the Chip-pewas of Pembina and Red river to proceed to tbeir country for that purpose. 1%giv es me pleasure to state that a treaty has been recently negotiated vith these Indians by Governor Ramsey, of Minnesota, aasisted by Agent Morrill, and that we now have reason to believe that the causes which threatened to lead to hostilities on their part have ceased to exist. The treaty has not yet been received at this office, hut I am informed by Governor Ramsey that the bonndaries of the counby to which the Indian title is thereby extinguished are substantially as follows, viz: beginning at the intersection of the international boundary with the Lake of the Woods, thence in a south direction to the head of Thieving river; thence down that river to its mouth ; thence in a direct line to the head of Wild Rice river; thence with the boundary of the Pillager ces- . sion of 1855 to the mouth of said river; thence up the channel of the Red river to the month of the Cheyenne; thence up the Cheyenne to Lake Chicot; thence north to the international boundary; thence east along said boundary to the beginning. The treaty is understood to be reasonable in its terms, and will be laid before you as won as received. As was anticipated, the treaty negotiated with the Chippewas of the Missis-sippi, under authority of the legislature of Minnesota, was not ratified. In lieu thereof, a treaty was negotiated on the 11th of March last, and afterwards rati- |