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Show [29} molt ufeful with I can form in their fa- vour is, that heaven may long preferve them from our vices and our pohtlcks. and taxes, and thofe en ormous CX'pcncos which are multiplying upon us evcrv year, to load our unhappy fo ns with the hatred # Let me add farther, that to make any changes in their go ernment, Without their content, would be to trari‘fgi‘elé the Wifefl‘ rules of polio ', and to wound ourmolt im- portant interells. As they increafe in numbers and in riches, our {trength mull: leflen. comparative In another ago, wl' en our power has begun to lofe fome~ thing of its fuperiority, we fhould be happy if we could iiipport our authority by mutual goodwill and the habit and curfes of North Am erica. Ind oed, my Lords, we are treating po ll‘erity very {curVily. We have mortgage d all the lands,- we have cut down all th e oaks; we are now trampling down the fences, rooting up the feedlings and famplers, and ruining all the refources of another ag e. "'9 {hall fend the next generation into th e world, like the wretched heir of a worthlci' is father, Without money, credit or friends; with 3 of commanding; but chiefly by thole ori- firipped, ineumbere., and perl ap s unte- ginal efiablilhments, which time and public honour might have rendered inviolable. Our pollerity will then have reafon to lawment that they cannot avail themfelves of nanted efiate. thofe treafures of public friendfhip and confidence which our fathers l 1ad wifely boarded up, and we 211.. 0 + ‘ r, "7-" throwing away. 1 3 113 ham, 'tIS cruel, be hdes all our debts ‘ ‘ Having {poke {o largely againll the prim-- ciple of the bill, it is hardly necefliiry to enter into the merits otit. I {hall onl y ob- fcrve, that even if we had the coi'illn t of the people to alter their governmen t, it would be unwife to make fuch alterations as there. To give the appointment of the and.. ".n_-. m« L) {It/"211m |