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Show [32 [33} free towns in Germany are like ii) many dying fparks, that go out one after ano- is to have {1311111311 and 11111171} up to fuch a flute of halvipioefi, thof: colonies Whom we ther; and which mutt all be foon extin- are now 1711 eager to hut-char. n‘uifhed under the deflruc‘l‘ive grozitncls of th1r neighbours. Holland is little more th:I.11 a 010.11: tiading (omnany, with luxu- rious manners, and 1111 exhauited revenue; with little llrength and with lets fpirit. to cheriih '13 ' i111111ort1‘1l monumerits or" 0111 puhl 1c inflic: 1:11lwi1‘dom; as the heirs of our better my: of our old arts and manners, and of our expiring national virtues. S11‘1‘ r‘121111l21lor1:is free andhappy Within \Ve ought Wh;1t work of art, or power, or the narrow inclofure ofits rocks and vall165. public utility‘11:13 ever equilicl the Glory of having peonled a continent without As 17-11 the. {late of this country, my Lords, I can only refer 1.-ylelf to your own iecret guilt or bloodfhed, wit} .. 11111ltituzle of free and happy C01111110‘1111‘1‘132‘1lths 3 to have given thoughts. I .1111 difpofed to think and them the hell arts of life. and 11‘oV'er11111--21t,' hope the belt of Public Liberty. VVere - and to have filfiCCI‘CCI the 111 under 1113111-‘11-r deferihe her according to my own ideas at precut, I fhould lily th. tfhe has 21 tickly countenance, but Itrufi: {he has :1 firong conflitution. of our authority, ikill to 1117.: them. the poli‘v or11";111'21‘11iz1‘i; by lili'lLtp‘ElCC, 211111 even 1h1e or -: C and 1‘1-3‘1111‘3/ :11‘1‘ difho- neft tiic But whatever may be our future fate, the greatef‘toglory that attends this cou ntry, greater than (my other nation e 'er acquir ed, '11: ‘ ':1.1:1‘1:111t1y. ‘We1ee11111ot to he 1c111h‘111 of the high 2111;! important truft which providence has commifricl to our charge. The rhofi precious re- IS mains 01 civil liberty,t h.11111; world can F now |