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Show [20] [21] precedency; and to let clathing rights fleep, while they tranfatl their hufinefs. Now, to {0 much national hatred and reproach, ought not to be {uttered to fubiift an unnecefliiry day. Mutt the interefr, the com- my Lords, on this occaiion can they find no excufe, no pretence, no invention, no can ever render to their country i It muft merce and the union of this country and her colonies, be all of them facrificed to fave the credit of one imprudent meafilre of adminifiration? i own I cannot compre- be {omething more than incapacity that hend that there is any dignity eitl er in makes men barren of expedients at fuch being in the wrong, or in perfilting in it. a {eafon as this. I have known friendfliip prelerved and af- fection gained, but I never knew dignity happy turn of language, not one colourable argument for doing the greateft fervice, they Do, but for once, remove this impracticable fiatelinefs and dignity, and treat the matter with a little corni 10H enfe and a little good humour, and our re- lofi‘, by the candid acknowledgement of an error. And, my Lords, let me appeal to your own experience of a few years backconciliation would not be the work of an Ward (I will not mention particulars, be- hour. But atter all, my Lords, if there caufe I would pairs no cenfures and revive is any thing mortifying in undoing the errors of our rninifters, it is a mortification we ought to fubmit to. If it was unjuft to tax them, we ought to repeal it for 'their fakes; if it was unwife to tax them, we ought to repeal it for our own. A matter {0 trivial in itfelf as the three-penny duty Upon tea, but whien has given caufe 1'0 no unpleafant reflections) but I think every candid minilter mutt own, that adminilh‘ation has {offered in more infi‘ances than one, both in intere" t and credit, by not chuiing to Give up points, that could not be defended. t) Wi th |