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Show 184 THE LILY AND THE TOTEM. "Pshaw, unbind !Jim!" exclaimed Gcncvois; "unbind him, wholly. Thc•·c, ltcn& LnuUonnicrc, you nrc free !n " 1 cannot forgi\·c you, Gencvois; you have disgraced me forever,'' Enid the miscrnblc man, as he dashed his signature upon the p:lpcr. "You will survive it, mon ami," replied the other, ,.,jth somcthin6 like contempt. upon his features. "You arc not the man to fret yourself into fever, because of your hurts of honor. And now must you go with us to tllC ships. W c will muffic your jaws once more.'' "You will not carry me with you," demanded the commander, with something like trepidation in his ncccnts. "No! You were but an incumbrance. 'Vc will only tako you to the ships, and keep you safe until we arc ready to cast off. To your feet, men, and get your weapons ready. Softly, softlywe need rouse no othe1· sleepers. Onward,-the night goes!away!" XV. THE MUTINEERS AT SEA. li! STOIUCAL. SUMMARY. FoR fifteen days was Ltmdonniere kept a close prisoner by tho conspirators on board of one of his 0\Vn vessels, attended by one of th eir own number, and denied all intercourse with his fri ends nntl people. One of the object.<! of this rigid tl!tuue, was tho coercion of the garri!!On. \Vith its eapt:J.in in theit· power, even 'vere his followers better prepared, with the proper t<p iri~ and energy, to give them annoyance, they were thus able to put them at defiance ; since any show of hostility on the part of the garrison might be ,·i.sitl'd upon the head of their prisoner. By this means they got poss c~ion of the armory, tllC magazines, 1he granaries; and, when ready to put to sea, and not before, did they release the unhappy commandant from l1is degrading durance. It waR at dawn on the morning of the Sth of December, that the two barks which the conspirators had prepared for Rea, might ha.ve been seen dropping down the waters of May River, their white sails gleaming through tho distant foliage. At the s:uno moment, with head bowed upon llis bosom1 the unhappy Laurlonnicrc, for the first time fully conscious of his weakness and his |