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Show 11151115155 01‘ 1111: 11111121 -\.\'11 1'15 31111111211105. TA 111.1: VIII. 131115.11. 2. 3. 1. 5. 11‘197011051'5 (ff/I0I077111/11.071111-10111110111111 (1111100, /l"I//II‘I'fI'U/I/H'(; 50/010515- 11f Hie 111/{7'11/ 111/1'11. A 1111111110101'110011015 11110111111; 111111 1110 10111110111211 021V- 11y. 11111:. '1. 1401'1a1111011111-101111101112110110111115:215500111'1'0111 111121111'1011‘,(_.1. U. 1'.) 1911;. 2. The 5211110 215 50011 110111 1110 \‘011111010. 11111;. 31. The 111111211 Vilth‘ 511102111 0111 11\'21\'01'11- 0211 5001101101101111101011111010. 1110 211111010 211111 Valve 1121115. 1111115. 1, 2.). 31. S110w1110 ‘21\'itie5111 11110120151'111111011111' 111- 00121111111 211111 11011111215110 10111121110115 11110111110 \'211\‘11l2115111- 111005. 1. 2. 31.4. 11'. Sh0w1l1e 110012015111'021Vitie5 0110111110; 11110 1110 \‘01111'1010. 1 IC. 1111;. 2. i5 50 large 215 111 111101- 00111 21 11111111111 011110 11101111 11215511101‘ 1111011011 1110 0111100. The (1111015 01101111010 01‘ 1055 105151211100 111 1110 1121552154 0 01‘ 11y gastric 00115011211100. 1115 0x111211121111111 111' 11115 11101211110 511111111 11110110111011011 15,1110 yeryel0512111111021011111111011021112111111112111111210111 111 1110 ga5tri1: wall. 11111511111 211111 1.110101115111111 haye 21150 110501111011 111050 11101211110 501111115011111011021111112111110511111. K115511100]10111111111 001121111 021505 111' 111011121511111'1-110110211111115 1110 111115115 1121121110x115 211111 1115111121101y 01112111101111.1111, 01‘ 1110 veins 111' 1110 111-011'. '1‘1115111115115 1121101111x115 i5 1tl1211‘2101011ze11 11y 10.550111115411111 021111101. 01 0011111letely obliterating the arterial 1111150 (luring111511112111011. 110 21501-11105 11 10 2111210111110111 01' the 11011021111111111 101110 51011111111. The extent 111‘ 11111111055 011 1101011551011 111 211111051011 15 Very '211'1211110, 5011101111105 very extensive, 211111 51111101111105 11111511ghtly 11010011111110. Thi5 ya1121110111511121111ly 11110 10 1110 21111011111. 01'111511121001110111 01' the heart. The 011101 11111015 110111 that 111110-0011111111011 0x10115110 110110211111211 211111051011 1011 111 11y1101‘1r01111y 111' the 1102111, 11111 121101 11111015 have nearly 2111 101001011 that 0111111011, 211111 01211111 that when 1110 1102111 15 50110111111011 11y very 51111115; 211111 111101215110 1211510 112111115. 1111- 11021115 11551105 gradually degenerate 211111 1100111110 211111111110, 11111. 11011. hy110111011111011. lix00ar1lial 111 110110211111211 1111111111115 are 211w21y5 111011011 5111111115; they are 11110 1111011141111055 111 111'y11055 011110 5111121005 01‘ the 5010115 11121105. Very rarely are they 111011110011 11y 0x0055111011l211g‘0111e11110ftl1e 1102111. 13y far the 1110211051. 11111111101 01' 1111150 501111115 2110 111 001150111101100 111" 110110211'111210 111112111111121111111. The variety of 111050 11111111111135 15 great. 5011101111105 yery 11211511, 211111 501110- 1111105 very 50111, 50 215 101111112110 01111002111112111111111111115. The 1111'- 1'01011t1al 1111111111115 (110110211111211 211111 0111100211111211) 2111: 01150011111110 by their 1012111011 111 1110 rl1y111111 1:11'1110 heart. The 0111100211'111211 2110 01121101 111215111110, 11re5y5t11lie 01‘ 51510110. The 110110211111211 fellow 110 rhythm, Slight 1110551110 1111011 the. el105t with the 510111115011110 011011 [78150111,13‘ 11. 1110111111111 1'1011111102111110101111110V01111'1010. 111112. 4. $110115 11111111211y 5101111515 1111110 111111211 Valve. '1‘1101\\'111121 1151111011011011 211111 0111111'2101011. 102110 11111 21 11211111w 11110111115: (1). A. 1'. 0'.) 11111110 11215521101- 1111110 111111111. A 111111111011111' 011011120 101111111020. 211511511011011011211111 11110k011011.211011x0 1ll101'0. 211111 111 1110111 2110 211121011011 1110 001111111120 021111020 1111111 01011 \‘01111‘1010. 191125. ."1. 11. $1111" 21 12111101111111511211 51100111 101. 01' 5111011110 0111100111100. Seen 1111111 1110 211111010. 1911;. 71. 1110 21111‘1011111-V0111110111211 0110111110 11111125 215 11' 1111011 with 21 1111111- 110101'11111010111211111011111101101-5. 11211tly 1'100. 11211tly 011\'010 1l 11y 11100111111 '211'11111111. The 1111110015 5011211'1011'2151101 10 211- 10111110511121111111;:‘111'11111215511111111011 it. 121111.11. 511111151110 Ventrienlar511111100111'1110111'1110e(().,1. 1'. (If) The 111111211 VillYt‘ 11501115 1055 211101011 1112111 115 211111010111 11011101. Many \‘1-1'11100115 1110111111011005 0x151 11111111 1110 valvular 5111'1'2100. 501111110111100211111211-101111111151111210215011211111\'e.110111w211111 101110101'1. 211111 15111'0V211 1111111; 31. 11111100211111210105410115y511'1110,11111'115 0yil1r211111115111-00111011010011111110. 1'11011111111102110111111211211101115112 11'111y0\'er 11010011111110. (7111111001011 with l1y1101'11'1111l1y, the 12111111110 ; 01‘ 1110 tl111rax i5051'11-0121lly1101100211110. 11 15 11111511y 11110 111 1110-11111 11010110y 01' 1110 21111110 1211\‘05 2111112111011115111 1111110 11110111 1111110 21111121. . C. 1,)1/(1/(1/1'1111 111‘1/111 '1'1'1/111 110111110111 15 111211111'051011 11y: 1. The 0211‘- 11121011111111055 211111 105151211100 extending 111111101111 the 110111 1112111 11511211; 1110 211021111 11111111055 will he 01' 0110111211 1111111; ‘3. The a110x 11021112x101111111gt011101101111. When 1110102110 01151210105111111101 1111 the 11111111011211yartery,1111211211101111111101114111 ventricle 111ay 110 0x11001011. The 5211110 will generally 11211111011 in 011101110 1115021505 01'1110 11111g5 2111111101'2111gen101115 111 1110 111111211 valve 211111 501111-1111121101'the111111111 1- nary artery. 1111211211101101'11115 101111-1010 11121y 110 1111111011 1110111010- 515, l11ng»l215ting 101015, 211111 01111511111111110 01111111110115 01' 11101101l y, when 1110 111111111011 01' the heart 15 1115111111011. 1). IIyper/rep/tj/ 1111/10 1'1'111111'1'1111'10/1‘02111 110 1‘0011gi1ize1ll1y11101111- lowing: 1. 1110102150 (11' 111215t0110111111111111211y 50111111; 2. 1110102150 111' 1111011 01' the 21110}: 110211, deviating;~ t0 the right. The 02111505 01' 11115 1111011111110111111 arenearly 11105211110 2151111150 01'thel1y11ertr1111l1y01'1110 1011 ventricle. When 1110 whole heart 15 011115111012111ly1111211011,1101i- 021111100. 1110111111 50111111 will 2111110211 11011- 211111 111010. 11‘11121ll1y1101'- 111'11111y will Very 1'1'0111101111y1110111100 1110 51112111011('11'111111115 7110/11/11}: 15x101151y0 111-11011012111011 211111 we21k11055 01' the heart will yield very 1001110, \‘e11tri011l211' 5y5t11lie 501111115. If. Les/"11115 11f [/10 01111111'111'11/1/111. When 11101015 1110011111010110y 111‘ 1110 2101110 V211\'05, 1110 10110111111; 5yn111t01115 \1'11111211111'ally 2111110211: 15111100211111211 1111111111115 extend 1211' 1103111111 1110 0211111210 region (11' (1111111055 : 1101‘11'5211'111211 are 511112tly 011111111011 111111211. region. (71121113405 01‘ 1111511110 1110111fy 11011021111121] 1111111111115 1211' 1111110 than 0.111100211111211. E5 '10012111y the 1111111111111051111111 with 1110 l1011y 110111. 21111110 1011121111. 1'01‘10211111211 1111111111115 2111110211 215 001111111,r 110111 1110 511112100; 0111100211'1‘11211 215 00111111}; from 21001121111 11011111. 1'01'1 2211111211 1111111111115 2110 \‘erv changeable ; 0111100211111211111050110 111011 011211210101 unchanged. The form 0111110 11111111055 01' the heart-50111111 11010111111105 21 110110211111211 111111111111. 1'10111'0-1101'10211‘111211 111111111111 15 11511ally 11021111 211011;: 1. l)ia510lie 511111111 01011110 21111121. 1115 111115tly 21111111110 01011110 1111111110 11111111 51011111111, 211111 15 51111101111105 001111111101151_1\'er1111-1211105. \Vhen 501110 01' 11101121115 are 51111 2111111111 \‘11112110, there will 110, 110- 511105 the 111111111111, 211112151011010110. The1115151'11111110101' 1111- a110x 15 01121121010117.1111 by great weakne55, 211111 the 11151 50111111 11\‘01' 1110 aorta 15 211150111 21111110111210011 11y 1110w111g 111111111111". 2. 1,)1'1211‘1111'1111 11f 1/10 11f! 11111111010 will 11011101111111 21110111 11y 1110 over quantity 01' 111111111 entering 11, 1111111111; 115 11121511110 (when 11101015 in» 511111010110)' 01' 1110 2101110 \'211\'e5), 11y regurgitation 110111 1110 2101121, 110511105 what 11110001105 110111 111 2211111010. 11. I]y111:111011/1_1/0/' [/10 111/'1‘ 1111111010 1111151 exi5t when it 11215 111 over001110 01151210105111 the 2111011211 01101112111011. 1411011 1051512111005 1110- 111100111010215001'01111111011521101y11011132111112111g1110111ati1111111'1111150 111211‘ 1155110 1111110 wall 111 1110 5211110 121110 215 there 0.121515 105151211100. 111/11111-11'1111/11J 111111 111/11111111111 will exist 111 511011 a 11102151110 215 111010 the left 2211101101 111111101 111‘ the 111110;, 0111501y 11101111112110. 101110 heart. 15 111511111010110y. 1110102150: the inten5ity 111' the 111-110211111211 111111111111. 12111110021111i2'1l 1111111111115 are 11111 11111110110011 11y 111011012110 1110551110. whil5t 51101111; 11105511101111011111011110121x 02111505 111011111111152111110211altogether. 111- 511112111011, 215 21 1'1111'1,11101'e215e5 1110inten5ity11f110110211111211 211111011110- 0211'111211 1111111111115. There 2110 5111110 1,1xee111111115 111 this. It 11111015 110111111110 111-110211111211 111111111111 11y 110111;; 11111110110011, 211111 01111111letely 11152111110211'111,0r when 1110211111111;~ 15 5111111011ly 0110011'011. Rosenbarh10111111itt11exten1151111101111105111111021111512111001‘1011111101102111. A 11011021111111-1112111111‘21g1n21110 1110111111 50111111 11215 110011 1111501111011 11y E111111/110111112511; it wa5 1111111110011 11y 1110\‘01110111 01. the 1102111 1111- 011 the 1011111110115 1111111011 01' the diaphragm, 11y 111511121001110111. The 111011011 50111111 in 0x111121tiv0 110110211111115 02111, 111‘ 01111150, 011ly 110 11021111 when there is 110 great quantity 01 111111111 111050111. 111-tween the 11121105. 11 15 generally 21111111110 110211 11101121515111 the ventricles 211111 211111110r 1110 1011 510111211 11011101. 11511111'ati111115 very 'ariahle, 5011101111105 1215111111101 1111110 awhile 211111 51111101111105 111110kly 1115211111121111114, 10 102111111211 again. The inten511y 1111110 511111111 15 hardly ever 1110110111011211 11111102111111111110111111211111112111111101'1110111011111121110. The. 0211150. 01' 1110 friction 50111111 11215 not 110011 1101111110ly 05011111511011 as yet. 1'111510AL D1.\11.\'0515 1111‘ DIHICASI-IS 01' 1111: 111-2.1121. Dilatation 211111 1110122150 01' \‘111111110, 011110 1102111 are 1110111051 1111- 1111112111151111110015 1'01 11l1y51021l 1112114111151102111011 01' 1115021505 1111110 01gan. Generally 1111111 00111111111115 00-0xi5t; 111101011 111 511111110 11ypertr011l1y, the Volume 1111110 11103111 15 2111;:1110111011: 1110 very 112111110 01'1112111111'000551111110211051110102150111'11112111111y01'the11021115111151211100, in whatever 1101111111 01' 1110 1111:2111 11 may 0x151. .\1"1;11111111g 215 0111101 0110 111‘ 110111 10111110105 2110 1111211011 211111 l1y110111011111011, 1110 11111111111 1111011011101121 will 1111101. A. 111/[10111-11/1/1‘1/ 11f 1110 11f1 1'1'1111'2'1'1002111 110 11121;:11115011 l1y1he 1'01- 111111110;5y1n111111115: l. The a11ex 110211 will 51111w great 1110102150 01' 10100, 11111151 115 l1102111y 211111 extent will 110 11110112010011: 2. 111111 5111111111111 11010115511111 \1'1111110102150111 11011111.11111 neither 111 extent 1101‘ 111021111y: 5;. 11121510110 511111111 111' 1110 2101121. will 110 511011001. 211111 51111101111105will have 21 11001111211 ring; 1. The 121111211 1111150 will have 21 great 1011511111, 211111 will 111,11 10212111y 110 00111111055011 11y 1111-1111;;1-1. 8010111515 111' the 211101105 211111 1011211 2111'01111)‘. 510110515 01' the 21111110 0111100, 0011111105511111, 00115111011011 111 01111001111211 11211111111105.5111 the 21011202110 mainly 1110105111115 when l1y11e1't1‘011l1y1211205 1112100; 1111111 2111 01' 1110111 111010 are 01151210105 1'01111011.\\'l11011 11111)" 2111 11101021501111112111- 1in 01'1111150111211‘1155110 111 1110 1011 ventriele 02111 11101001110. 15. "1111111111111 111.1111 [111? 111/111101111'111'1115110511101111111wing1111y5ieal 5111115: ].The a11ex 110211 11215505 externally 111 extent l1ey01111 the 11121111- 11111211_\' 11110. 211111 15 1110211011 l0wer 1112111 11511211: 2. The 211'02101' 111111 4. 1101/11111111} 1111150111 1111' 01111111115. \'1-1'y111‘1011 there will 110 10112111 211101121111011111115,511111111211100115 with 1110 0211111210 5151010; 21112111011211 5V5t0lie 111111111111 5111111112111011115 with 1110 0211111210 51010, 211150111 11111» 111g the cardiac 1112151010. "1101111101015 0x00551\‘0 101151011 111 1110 211‘- terial 5y5ten1,1101111110great11112111111y111'1110011in11102101'121,21111111111 111, 511111111211100115 with the 0211111210 5y5tole, may 110 11021111 111 nearly 2111 the 1111111110 5ize11 211101105 111 1110 1102111211111110011'. (1211/11/50 012111115 10 have 1111110011,1.1111101511011011011111512111005,\‘i5il11011111521111111111111011110 1-111115. The 1'111/1'1211112151' 1101211111025: '1'1'1'1/ /1111'1/ 111111.1'1'11111/1'111, 211111 the 511l1ygn10gr2111h will 5111111 2111011'0011y \‘01110211 1150 111‘ 1111- 2150011511111 11110 211111 1011112111011 111' 21 Very 21euteungle 111 115 110500111. 1". 15101111515 11f1/101101/1'101111111111}. '1‘111515110211'ly21l\\‘21_\‘5 21551101211011 with 11101111111010110y111'1110 21111110 1211105. 111 11110111111111101151111-11110, the 1'0110w111g1111y510211 01121111105: 1111151 110 l1111k1-11 1'01: 1. Nil/Nh/Ht,‘ 1111111111111" 111‘1'1'1/1011111'111. 11 11215 21111-011112111111111 501211111154 011211210101. The 111215111110 511111111, 1111 the 0111111'211y, 15 \‘01'y1'0011l1-1 al- \1'21y52111501111 111 the 021101111 211111 very 1001110 at 1111- a11ex. 2. 111/[1131111111/11/ 11_/' 1111‘ 111/l 1111111110111. 1100211150 the 1121111111'21111110 0111100 1111015 great 105151111100 111 tl1een1111y111g 01'tl10yent1'iele. 111 11115 10511111, 1110 a11ex 110211 will 110 \‘01'_\' 1001110, 1111111‘1111512111111111:1110 l1y1101'tr1111hy11111111.- wall5. 1315111111111 111111111even5y5t11110111-11105511111 111 511011 021505. The 1111150 15 10111111 1121111, 51112111 211111 511_1w. '1110 11151 quality 01' 11101111150 15 11110 111 the l1y11ert1'011l110 \‘01111‘11‘11', 1111121110111111101110111111110101111111g111'1he2101121. (I. 11151111101'1‘11121/ 11f [/11 111111111 111/11' will 0211150 1110 10110111111; 01121111405: ‘1. 1\"1/5[11111' 711111111111 01111 {/11 111111111111. 15101111111010 1110 011101 1101110115 01'1110 111-art, 211111 1111151 21111111110 11\‘01 the 11111-111111: 01' 1110 11111111011211y artery. ()00215111112111y 21 515111110 511111111 15 2155001211011 with it, 01' may 110 1121111211110 215 a 5y5111110 11011111115. 2. 0111111111011 11/' {/11' 1/1/11/ 1111111111. The 111111211 Valve, 1111211110 [0 011150 the \‘121111'11'10 51111111011111. 02111505 1‘1-01110112111011 1111111110 1011 211111010. 1115 0ayity, 1111121110110; 1111110 111111111 111211111111111211,11111111110 101115:211111ye11111010,\\'1111101-011101111211011. The 101121111'11-11111-\'011tr1~ 0111211 1'1-g111'git21111111 will hin110r 1110 1100 11111121111 1110\‘0111011111111110 11101111 1111110 11111111011211y artery, 211111111'01111151-111121121111111111‘111011,0111 \‘011111010, 215 51101111 21111110, will 1'01111w. _ £3. 1[.1/1111'/11111/11/ 11f 1111 111/111 11111111111 11111 110 1111111110011 11y 1111- 5211110 02111505 215 21111_1\‘e,211111\1‘1111101x‘110W1111y2111i1101‘0215011 11110011111112.5012 111111 11111111011211y 50111111. |