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Show Hingkley Journal of Politics 2005 This is the substance of arguments by proponents of decorri' missioning. Policy makers have attempted to address some of these issues as is evidenced by the Grand Canyon Protection Act, but other issues remain untouched. Interest groups on both sides of the issue are asking difficult questions and making legitimate arguments. Perhaps the only honest answer is that neither side is totally right or wrong. However, the issue of decommissioning the Glen Canyon Dam has effectively been framed by Utah politicians as sheer absurdity, and therefore, any attempts to mandate further study of the issue have been blocked. Thus, the assumptions of necessity that Glen Canyon Dam was built on, whether right or wrong, continue to be the assumptions that are dictating policy today. Without a commission to study its necessity, the dam and the lake will stay put. The take-home lesson, then, is that environmental policy is often made by those who sometimes have their minds made up, and until the masses are "kicking and screaming" for decommissioning Glen Canyon Dam, those politicians, their colleagues, and the Congressional Appropriations Committees are unlikely to listen to the cry for reform. References Anderson, Megan. 2004. Director of Operations, Glen Canyon Institute. Personal interview. 30 March. Ashley, Jeffrey and Robert Jones. 2002. "The Central Utah Project." Journal of Land Resources and Environmental Law, 22(2): 273-307. Babbit, Bruce. 1998. "A River Runs Against It: America's Evolving View of Dams." Open Spaces, 1(4). "-• 2000. Secretary of Interior. "Worth Noting, Worth Quoting." Radio interview by Deborah Phillips for radio station KXAZ, 14 July, <http://www.lakepowell.org/quotes.htm> (7 April 2004). Bird, Jane. 2005. General Council and Deputy Director, Upper Colorado River Commission. Personal interview. 30 March. 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