1251 - 1275 of 10,888
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1251 Jameson, Kenneth P.Comment on the theory and measurement of dynamic X-EfficiencyDiscusses a mathematical model capable of explaining the observations of the concept of X-efficiency on more familiar economic grounds. Presentation of a model of industry maximization over time; Emphasis given on the investment demand function derived from the cost of adjustment; Solution of the in...Calculus; Economics; Mathematical models1972-05
1252 Couldwell, William T.Comment on Wong, H. T., et al.: Comparative impact of video consultation on emergency neurosurgical referralsThe Author's explored the facility and accuracy of telephone, teleradiology, or video consultation between a large general hospital and their tertiary neurosurgical center. Although there was increased diagnostic accuracy with video consultation or teleradiology, they note that consultation via vid...Teleradiology; Video consultation; Neurosurgical referrals2006
1253 Couldwell, William T.Comment on: Chronic brain inflammation and persistent herpes simplex virus 1 thymidine kinase expression in survivors of syngeneic glioma treated by adenovirus-mediated gene therapy: implications for clinical trialsThe long-term consequences of adenovirus-mediated conditional cytotoxic gene therapy for gliomas remain uncharacterized. We report here detection of active brain inflammation 3 months after successful inhibition of syngeneic glioma growth. The inflammatory infiltrate consisted of activated macrophag...Brain inflammation; Herpes simplex virus-1; Thymidine kinase; Syngeneic glioma; Adenovirus-mediated gene therapy1994
1254 Saam, BrianComment on: New limit on lorentz-invariance- and CPT-violating neutron spin interactions using a free-spin-precession 3He- 129Xe comagnetometerIn Ref. [1], the authors use a classical result for the magnetic field created by a uniform magnetization to analyze the effects of magnetic interactions between 3He and 129Xe nuclear spins. We point out that the classical result is not applicable for interaction between nuclear spins: the actual in...2014-01-01
1255 Berg, Cynthia A.Commentary: lessons from a life-span perspective to adolescent decision makingThe chapters in Part II address important aspects of adolescent decision making that have received little attention in the literature to date. Decision making is examined as adolescents make decisions regarding their afterschool activities (Gauvain & Perez, chap. 7), make decisions utilizing democra...Adolescents; Adolescent decision making2005
1256 Khan, Faisal HabibCommercial and industrial applications getting ready for direct-current power distributionThis paper describes design trends in several classes of power-electronic appliances that will increase the appeal for distributing dc power in buildings. In the commercial sector information technology (IT) power conversion architectures are moving from multi- to single-voltage supplies, initially...Direct current power distribution; Commercial applications2004-01-01
1257 Mallat, ChibliCommercial Law in the Middle East: Between Classical Transactions and Modern BusinessA brief presentation of commercial law decisions across the Arab world is sufficient to show the dominance of western principles in the field, and the direct translation of western terminology and rules for local transactions.2 The decisions have been regrouped in categories which will be familiar t...2000-01
1258 Furse, Cynthia M.Commission B (fields and waves) international survey about EM educationCommission B has the terms of reference "Fields and waves", which have been well established on the basis of electromagnetism and Maxwell's equations. Experts in this area need a firm basis in mathematics and physics as well as their historical background; though the subjects are sometimes too heav...2005
1259 Balasubramonian, RajeevCommit algorithms for scalable hardware transactional memoryIn a hardware transactional memory system with lazy versioning and lazy conflict detection, the process of transaction commit can emerge as a bottleneck. For a large-scale distributed memory system, we propose novel algorithms to implement commit that are deadlock- and livelock-free and do not empl...Commit algorithms; Scalable; Hardware; Transactional memory2007
1260 Clayton, Dale H.Common grackle anting with lime fruit and its effect on ectoparasitesAnting is stereotyped behavior in which birds ex- pose themselves to fluid-secreting ants or other pun- gent substances. During "active" anting a bird crush- es an ant in the bill and rubs it frenetically through its plumage (Rothschild and Clay 1952). During "passive" anting a bird entices ants to ...Quiscalus quiscala; Columbicola columbae; Anting; Ectoparasites1993
1261 Firmage, Edwin B.Common humanity, magnificent diversityLoss forces us inward toward fundamentals. All great spiritual traditions teach, in the words of Meister Eckhart, that spirituality is about subtraction, not addition, less and less not more and more. It is in losing life that we find it.Death; Dying1995
1262 Thalos, Mariam G.Common need for classical epistemological foundations: against a feminist alternativeThe difficulties of justifying a recipe for scientific inquiry that calls for sensory experience and logic as sole ingredients can hardly be overestimated. Resolving the riddles of induction, steadily mounting against empiricism since Hume, has come to seem like an exercise in making bricks without...Epistomology; Feminism; Sensory experience; Logic; Inductive inference1994
1263 Couldwell, William T.Communication between malignant glioma cells and vascular endothelial cells through gap junctionsObject. Extensive invasion and angiogenesis are hallmark features of malignant gliomas. Communication between malignant glioma cells and surrounding astrocytes occurs, resulting in transformation of the astrocytic phenotype. In the present study, the authors examined whether malignant glioma cells a...2003-01-01
1264 Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh; Kirby, Robert Michael IIThe communication semantics of the message passing interfaceThe Message Passing Interface (MPI) standard is a natural language document that describes a software library for interprocess communication. Automatic reasoning about the reactive nature of programs communicating via MPI libraries is not possible without also analizing the library being used. Ma...communication semantics; Message Passing Interface; MPI; natural language2006-10-31
1265 Armentrout, Peter B.Communication: Theoretical exploration of Au++ H2, D2, and HD reactive collisionsA quasi-classical study of the endoergic Au+(¹S) + H₂(X¹Σ+g) → AuH+ (²Σ+) + H(²S) reaction, and isotopic variants, is performed to compare with recent experimental results [F. Li, C. S. Hinton, M. Citir, F. Liu, and P. B. Armentrout, J. Chem. Phys. 134, 024310 (2011)]. For this purpose, a ...2011
1266 Andreou, ChrisoulaCommunicative Action and Rational Choice by Joseph Heath [review]A review of Communicative Action and Rational Choice, in which the author, Joseph Heath, develops an insightful account of practical reason that builds on his critical evaluations of both Jurgen Habermas's theory of communicative action and the instrumental conception of rationality.Action; Communication; Rationality; Choice; Book review2002
1267 Hamilton, AbbyCommunity Asset Based Adolescent Suicide Prevention in Uinta County, WYProviding high schoolers with national and local mental health resources will decrease suicide rates in Uinta County adolescentsRural; suicide prevention; adolescents2023
1268 Kowaleski-Jones, LoriCommunity contributions to scholastic successThe authors examine the influence of neighborhood characteristics on the academic outcomes of children in middle childhood. Prior research has examined structural features of the community and has evaluated their associations with youth outcomes (Brooks-Gunn, Duncan, Klebanov, & Sealand, 1993; Kowal...Academic development; Child development; Developmental psychology2006-05
1269 Hamasu, ClaireCommunity-based organizations' perspective on health information outreach: a panel discussionA panel was convened to elicit guidance for librarians in initiating and implementing community-based health information outreach. Participants included a panel of individuals from communities or community organizations who represented the types of groups with which librarians or information special...National Library of Medicine (U.S.); NN/LM; RML; National Network of Libraries of Medicine; Regional Medical Libraries; Consumer Health Information; Outreach; Community-based Organziations2005-05
1270 Owen, William E.; Roberts, William L.Comparable effects of DIGIBIND and DigiFab in thirteen digoxin immunoassaysDigoxin is widely prescribed for the treatment of cardiac conditions (1). Because of its narrow therapeutic range, digoxin-related toxicity resulting from acute or chronic overdose is common. Metabolites of digoxin as well as related compounds, including digitoxin, tanshinones, bufandienolide, a...DIGIBIND; DigiFab; Digoxin immunoassays; Digoxin toxicity2002
1271 Clayton, Dale H.Comparative effects of mites and lice on the reproductive success of rock doves (Columba livia)We report experimental data comparing the effects of Mesostigmatid mites and Ischnoceran lice on the reproductive performance of a single group of captive rock doves (Columba livid). Several components of host reproductive success were compared for the two groups, including number of eggs laid, hatc...Ectoparasites; Reproduction; Rock doves; Columba livia; Ischnocera; Mites; Lice1995
1272 Davidson, Diane W.Comparative structure of harvester ant communities in arid Australia and North AmericaIn the Australian arid zone, the species richness of ants is greater and that of mammalian granivores is less than in North American deserts. This study aimed to determine if the structure of harvester ant communities differs from that seen in North American deserts, focussing on differences relate...Species; Rodents; Diversity1988
1273 Gesteland, Raymond F.; Wills, Norma M.; Atkins, John F.Comparative studies of frameshifting and nonframeshifting RNA pseudoknots: a mutational and NMR investigation of pseudoknots derived from the bacteriophage T2 gene 32 mRNA and the retroviral gag-pro frameshift siteMutational and NMR methods were used to investigate features of sequence, structure, and dynamics that are associated with the ability of a pseudoknot to stimulate a "1 frameshift. In vitro frameshift assays were performed on retroviral gag-pro frameshift-stimulating pseudoknots and their derivati...Frameshifting; NMR; Pseudoknot; Retrovirus2002
1274 Clayton, Dale H.; Bush, Sarah ElizabethComparative transmission dynamics of competing parasite speciesCompetition-colonization trade-off models explain the coexistence of competing species in terms of a trade-off between competitive ability and the ability to colonize competitor-free patches of habitat. A simple prediction of these models is that inferior competitors will be superior dispersers. Thi...Bird lice; Campanulotes compar; Coexistence; Colonization; Columba livia; Columbicola columbae; Competition; Dispersal; Parasite; Phoresis; Specificity; Pseudolynchia canariensis; Phthiraptera2008
1275 Stevens, KennethComparing energy and latency of asynchronous and synchronous NoCs for embedded SoCsPower consumption of on-chip interconnects is a primary concern for many embedded system-on-chip (SoC) applications. In this paper, we compare energy and performance characteristics of asynchronous (clockless) and synchronous network on-chip implementations, optimized for a number of SoC designs. We...2010
1251 - 1275 of 10,888