Creator | Title | Description | Subject | Date |
1151 |
 | Capecchi, Mario R. | Choose your target. | The technology of modifying endogenous genes has recently been extended from mice to Drosophila and sheep. Concurrently, genomic sequencing is uncovering thousands of previously uncharacterized genes. Armed with today's technologies, what are our best options for delineating the functions of these n... | Animals; Mice; Sheep | 2000-09-13 |
1152 |
 | Balasubramonian, Rajeev | CHOP: adaptive filter-based DRAM caching for CMP server platforms | As manycore architectures enable a large number of cores on the die, a key challenge that emerges is the availability of memory bandwidth with conventional DRAM solutions. To address this challenge, integration of large DRAM caches that provide as much as 5× higher bandwidth and as low as 1/3rd of... | CHOP; DRAM caching; CMP server platforms; Manycore architectures; Hot page; Filter cache; Multi-core processors | 2010 |
1153 |
 | Couldwell, William T. | Choroid plexus cyst development and growth following ventricular shunting | Choroid plexus cysts are typically incidental, asymptomatic cysts. They have been reported to hemorrhage and grow, causing symptoms of obstruction. However, growth and multiplication has not been reported following ventriculoperitoneal shunting procedures. A 66-year-old woman initially underwent a ... | Choroid plexus cyst; Ventriculoperitoneal shunt | 2008-01 |
1154 |
 | Brown, Francis Harold | Chronology | The boundaries of the Lower Omo Basin have been mapped by Fuchs (1939) and by Butzer (1970, 1971) in a general way. The structural features and physiography of the eastern and central part of the Lower Omo Basin are best expressed on the maps of Davidson et al. (1973). Walsh and Dodson (1969) have m... | | 1983 |
1155 |
 | Miller, Jan D. | Chrysocolla flotation by the formation of insoluble surface chelates | Pure chrysocolla is floated with chelating agents that form insoluble complexes with copper at ambient temperature. Complete flotation is obtained with potassium octyl hydroxamate as collector at pH 6. Flotation response is enhanced with increased temperature when low additions of h ydroxamate are ... | chrysocolla; copper chelating compounds; flotation systems | 1965 |
1156 |
 | Kagabo, Robert | Church attendance improves mental health, prayer alone and self-indentification as religious Do not | | | 2013-10-09 |
1157 |
 | Firmage, Edwin B. | Church in politics? | I BELIEVE that the Church has a right and in fact an obligation to speak out on issues which affect either the spiritual or the moral well-being of our Heavenly Father's children. As a constitutional lawyer, I do not believe that the religion clauses of the First Amendment were intended to elimin... | First Amendment | 1981 |
1158 |
 | Schmidt, Meic H.; Apfelbaum, Ronald I. | Chylorrhea: a rare complication of thoracoscopic discectomy of the thoracolumbar junction | The thoracic duct along with the cisterna chyli is a major lymphatic pathway near the anterior thoracolumbar spine. Despite the fragile nature of the lymphatic system and its proximity to the spinal column, chylorrhea is rarely encountered by spine surgeons. The authors present a unique case of chyl... | Chylous leak; Thoracoscopy; Thoracic spine; Thoracoscopic discectomy; Thoracolumbar junction; Chylorrhea | 2007 |
1159 |
 | Miklavcic, Jimmy; McDermott, Colin Hull; Bross, Joshua Lee; Miklavcic, Elizabeth Ann | Cinematic display for telematic performances | The InterPlay is a live telematic performance that occurs simultaneously in multiple sites across the globe, streamed over the internet through the Access Grid videoconference system, then processed, mixed and projected before an audience. | Trapeze Interactive Poster | 2010-01-13 |
1160 |
 | Angelucci, Alessandra; Lund, Jennifer S. | Circuits for local and global signal integration in primary visual cortex | Contrast-dependent changes in spatial summation and contextual modulation of primary visual cortex (V1) neuron responses to stimulation of their receptive field reveal long-distance integration of visual signals within V1, well beyond the classical receptive field (cRF) of single neurons. To identif... | Primary Visual Cortex; Extrastriate Cortex; Feed-back Connections; Lateral Connections; SUrround Modulation; Macaque | 2002-10-01 |
1161 |
 | Anderson, Richard Bryan | Circulation Changes in ARL Libraries, 1995-2008 | | | |
1162 |
 | Jewell, Paul | Circulation, salinity, and dissolved oxygen in the Cretaceous North American seaway | Critical paleoceanographic problems regarding the maximum transgressive phase of the Cretaceous North American seaway have been studied with a three-dimensional ocean circulation model. Four simulations employing minimum and maximum solar insolation winds from the Cretaceous and a wide range of pre... | Cretaceous North American Seaway | 1996 |
1163 |
 | Anderson, Rick | Citation Contamination: Citations to Predatory Journals in the Mainstream Scientific Literature | Data set from a study presented at the 2019 World Conference on Research Integrity and published in the Scholarly Kitchen. | Predatory; publishing; Citations | 2019 |
1164 |
 | Golden, Kenneth M. | Classical transport in quasiperiodic media | Abstract. Classical transport coefficients such as the effective conductivity or diffusivity of a quasiperiodic medium were observed [1] to depend discontinuously on the frequencies of the quasiperiodicity. For example, for a one-dimensional medium with a potential V(x) = cosx + coskx , the effecti... | Transport; Diffusion; Random | 1991 |
1165 |
 | Horch, Kenneth W. | Classification of action potentials in multi unit intrafascicular recordings using neural network pattern recognition techniques | Neural network pattern-recognition techniques were applied to the problem of identifying the sources of action potentials in multi-unit neural recordings made from intrafascicular electrodes implanted in cats. The network was a three-layer connectionist machine that used digitized action potenti... | Intrafascicular electrodes; Multi-unit neural activity; Artificial neural networks | 1994 |
1166 |
 | Vardeny, Zeev Valentine; Ehrenfreund, Eitan A. | Classification of disorder and extrinsic order in polymers by resonant Raman scattering | Resonant Raman scattering is used to quantify the effect of disorder and extrinsic order on Peierls systems such as (CH)X . We introduce "X plots" in which the phonon and gap distribution are related and characterize the system by the functional dependence of the gap 2 A on the coupling X. For c/s-r... | Peierls systems | 1985-01 |
1167 |
 | Capecchi, Mario R. | Cleft palate in mice with a targeted mutation in the gamma-aminobutyric acid-producing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase 67. | The functions of neurotransmitters in fetal development are poorly understood. Genetic observations have suggested a role for the inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the normal development of the mouse palate. Mice homozygous for mutations in the beta-3 GABAA rec... | Animals, Newborn; Crosses, Genetic | 1997-10-14 |
1168 |
 | Ramachandran, Vandana | Clicks to conversion: the value of product information and price incentives | This study uses clickstream data obtained from a large online durable goods retailer to examine how different types of information - product-related and price-related information provided by retailers - impact purchase-related outcomes for consumers. Using mixture-modeling techniques to analyze late... | | 2010-01-01 |
1169 |
 | Nicoll, Kathleen | The climate and environment of Byzantine Anatolia: Integrating science, history, and archaeology | This article, which is part of a larger project, examines cases in which high-resolution archaeological, textual, and environmental data can be integrated with longer-term, low-resolution data to afford greater precision in identifying some of the causal relationships underlying societal change. | | 2014-01-01 |
1170 |
 | Golden, Kenneth M. | Climate change and the mathematics of transport in sea ice | As the boundary layer between the ocean and atmosphere in the polar regions, sea ice is a critical component of the global climate system. As temperatures on Earth have warmed, the Arctic sea ice pack in particular has exhibited a dramatic decline in its summer extent. Indeed, the polar sea-ice pack... | Polar ice; Fluid flow; Complex permittivity | 2009 |
1171 |
 | Steenburgh, William James | Climate change and Utah: the scientific consenus | This report, entitled \"Climate Change and Utah: The Scientific Consensus\" was prepared for Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr. under the direction of his Blue Ribbon Advisory Council on Climate Change (BRAC). It summarizes current (2007) scientific understanding of climate change and its potential imp... | Climate, Climate Change, Utah | 2007-09 |
1172 |
 | Chapman, David S.; Harris, Robert N. | Climate change in India inferred from geothermal observations | Temporal variations in surface ground temperature impart a signal to the subsurface thermal regime that is captured in borehole temperature-depth profiles. Seventy temperature-depth profiles in India, located between 12o and 28oN, are analyzed to infer past changes in ground temperature. | Climate change; borehole temperatures; surface ground temperature; surface air temperature; geothermal observations; India | 2002 |
1173 |
 | Horel, John D. | The climatology of synoptic-scale ascent over Western North America: a perspective on storm tracks | The position and variability of storm tracks across western North America are examined during the October-April cool seasons spanning 1989-2010. The location and intensity of storms are represented by strong synoptic-scale ascent, which is diagnosed by the alternative balance omega equation applied ... | | 2012-01-01 |
1174 |
 | Jorde, Lynn B. | Clinical and biochemical function of polymorphic NR0B1 GGAA-microsatellites in Ewing sarcoma: A report from the Childrens Oncology Group | Background: The genetics involved in Ewing sarcoma susceptibility and prognosis are poorly understood. EWS/FLI and related EWS/ETS chimeras upregulate numerous gene targets via promoter-based GGAA-microsatellite response elements. These microsatellites are highly polymorphic in humans, and prelimina... | | 2014-01-01 |
1175 |
 | Couldwell, William T. | Clinical and radiographic response in a minority of patients with recurrent malignant gliomas treated with high-dose tamoxifen | PREVIOUS WORK HAS demonstrated the importance of the Protein Kinase C (PKC) signal transduction system in regulating the growth rate of malignant gliomas in vitro. Tamoxifen inhibits PKC in a minority of malignant gliomas within the micromolar concentration range in vitro, a property distinct from... | Tamoxifen; Protein kinase C; Glioma; Brain neoplasm; Chemotherapy; Glioma | 1993 |