976 - 1000 of 10,888
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976 Henderson, Thomas C.CAGD-based computer visionThree-dimensional model-based computer vision uses geometric models of objects and sensed data to recognize objects in a scene. Likewise, Computer Aided Geometric Design (CAGD) systems are used to interactively generate three-dimensional models during the design process. Despite this similarity, t...Computer Aided Geometric Design; CAGD1987
977 Olivera, Baldomero M.Calcium channel antagonists: ω-conotoxin defines a new high affinity siteThe ω-conotoxins, a class of Ca2+ channel antagonists from fish-hunting marine snails, have recently been described (Olivera, B. M., McIntosh, J. M., Zeikus, R., Gray, W. R., Varga, J., Rivier, J., de Santos, V., and Cruz, L. J. (1985) Science, 230, 1338-1343). One of these peptide neurotoxins...Conotoxins; Calcium channels; Synaptosomes; Neurotoxins1986
978 Baehr, WolfgangCalcium-sensitive particulate guanylyl cyclase as a modulator of cAMP in olfactory receptor neuronsThe second messengers cAMP and inositol-1,4,5-triphosphate have been implicated in olfaction in various species. The odorant-induced cGMP response was investigated using cilia preparations and olfactory primary cultures. Odorants cause a delayed and sustained elevation of cGMP. A component of this c...Calcium-Binding Proteins; Nerve Tissue Proteins; Rats, Sprague-Dawley1998
979 Baehr, WolfgangCalcium-sensitive regions of GCAP1 as observed by chemical modifications, fluorescence, and EPR spectroscopiesGuanylyl cyclase-activating proteins are EF-hand Ca(2+)-binding proteins that belong to the calmodulin superfamily. They are involved in the regulation of photoreceptor membrane-associated guanylyl cyclases that produce cGMP, a second messenger of vertebrate vision. Here, we investigated changes in ...Amino Acid Motifs; Cyclic N-Oxides; EF Hand Motifs2001
980 Furse, Cynthia M.; Gandhi, Om P.Calculation of electric fields and currents induced in a millimeter-resolution human model at 60 Hz using the FDTD method with a novel time-to-frequency-domain conversionThe finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method has previously been used to calculate induced currents in anatomically based models of the human body at frequencies ranging from 20 to 915 MHz and resolutions down to 1.31 cm . Calculations at lower frequencies and higher resolutions have been preclu...Finite-difference time-domain method; FDTD; Induced currents; Human body model1996
981 Gardner, Reed M.Calibration and Quality Control in the Pulmonary Laboratory - Why? (Editorial)Biomedical Informatics1983
982 Symko, Orest GeorgeCalibration of SQUID magnetometer for dilute alloy studiesA SQUID magnetometer used in the study of dilute magnetic alloys or other weak magnetic systems can be calibrated by using the nuclear paramagnetism of aluminum metal. This material is useful as a calibration standard since magnetic impurities such as Fe and Mn form no local moment. This calibration...SQUID magnetometer1979
983 Nardo, Rachel L.California preschool curriculum framework, Volume 2I am pleased to present the California Preschool Curriculum Framework, Volume 2, a publication I believe will be a major effort in working to close the school-readiness gap for young children in our state. Created as a companion to the California Preschool Learning Foundations, this framework presen...2011-01-01
984 Yamaguchi, AyakoCall initiation in African clawed frogsSociety for Neuroscience Meeting 2016vocalizations; Xenopus laevis2016
985 Warner, Homer R.Can Automation Make Interactive Medical History Taking Feasbile and Acceptable?Biomedical Informatics1974
986 McElreath, RichardCan females gain additional paternal investment by mating with multiple males? a game theoretic approachAlthough females may require only one mating to become inseminated, many female animals engage in costly mating with multiple males. One potential benefit of polyandrous mating is gaining parental investment from multiple males. We developed two game theoretic models to explore this possibility. Our...Female multiple mating; Polyandry; Nonprocreative mating; Paternal investment; Mating benefits; Mating strategy2001-11
987 Downes, Stephen M.Can scientific development and children's cognitive development be the same process?Assesses the value of the developmental psychology of science proposed by Alison Gopnik and Andrew Meltzoff to the understanding of scientific development. Role of distinctions between ontogeny and phylogeny when appealing to biology for theoretical support; Conception of cognition as a set of verid...Cognition; Developmental psychology; Ontogeny; Phylogeny; Science, Philosophy2001-09-11
988 Gondolo, PaoloCan WIMP spin dependent couplings explain DAMA data, in light of null results from other experiments?We examine whether the annual modulation found by the DAMA dark matter experiment can be explained by Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs), in light of new null results from other experiments. CDMS II has already ruled out most WIMP-nucleus spin-independent couplings as an explanation for DA...WIMP; Weakly interacting massive particles; DAMA; CDMS II; Parameter space2004-12
989 Chuaqui, Miguel BasimCanto RepartidoEl Canto Repartido (The Shared Out Song) takes its title from a poem in the collection Las Uvas y el Viento (The Grapes and the Wind) by the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda. Many of the poems in this collection have a communist political tone, and critics often describe the poems in this book as among the...Shared Out Song2004
990 Bhanu, BirCAOS an approach to robot controlControl systems which enable robots to behave intelligently is a major issue in todays process of automating factories. This thesis presents a hierarchical robot control system, a programming language for goal achievement, termed CAOS for Control using Action Oriented Schemata, with ideas taken fro...Robot control system; CAOS; Control using Action Oriented Schemata1987
991 Furse, Cynthia M.Capacitance and inductance sensor circuits for detecting the lengths of open- and short-circuited wiresThe length of an open- or short-circuited wire is linearly proportional to the capacitance or inductance of the wire, respectively. Several types of simple and inexpensive circuits are introduced to measure these values. Open-circuited (capacitance) measurements are very effective. Short-circuited ...Aging aircraft wire; Capacitance sensors; Fault detection; Inductance sensors2009-08
992 Stevens, KennethCapacitive ionic current measurement in a polymer-electrolyte transistorOrganic transistors that use dissolved ions to conduct current are able to reproduce the current-voltage characteristics of semiconductor transistors. The polymer-electrolyte transistor (PET) consists of a three-source acid-base reaction system, where a polymer gel separates the three source electro...2008
993 Friedrich, FrancesCapacity demands of automatic processes in semantic primingIn three experiments, we examined the effects of prime-target stimulus onset asynchrony (SSA) and the proportion of related primes and targets (relatedness proportion, or RP) on semantic priming when the prime was either named or was searched for a specific letter . In Experiment 1, with an RP of ....Semantic priming; Stimulus onset asynchrony1994
994 Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-LuhCapillary network model for filter cake based on pore structure analysisDewatering of fine coal by continuous filtration involves filter cake formation and removal of surface moisture by drawing air through the capillaries of the cake. In order to gain a better (understanding of the complex transport phenomena that occur in the filter cake, analysis of the effect of t...Pore geometry; Transport properties; Microtomography1996
995 Thalos, Mariam G.Capitalization in the St. Petersburg Game: why statistical distributions matterIn spite of its infinite expectation value, the St. Petersburg game is not only a gamble without supply in the real world, but also one without demand at apparently very reasonable asking prices. We offer a rationalizing explanation of why the St. Petersburg bargain is unattractive on both sides (to...2013-01-01
996 Jorgensen, Erik; Schuske, Kimberly R.CAPS and syntaxin dock dense core vesicles to the plasma membrane in neuronsDocking to the plasma membrane prepares vesicles for rapid release. Here, we describe a mechanism for dense core vesicle docking in neurons. In Caenorhabditis elegons motor neurons, dense core vesicles dock at the plasma membrane but are excluded from active zones at synapses.2008
997 Hultine, KevinCarbon and nitrogen allocation to male and female reproduction in Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca, Pinaceae)We measured carbon (respiration, photosynthesis, and production) and nitrogen allocation to male and female cones of Rocky Mountain Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca) to quantify gender-specific: (1) resource allocation to reproduction, and (2) contribution to carbon costs of reproducti...Gender; photosynthesis; resource allocation2000
998 Lighty, Joann; Sarofim, Adel F.Carbon dioxide effects on metal vaporization during coal combustionCoal combustion products may take one of two forms. Residual ash (> 1 micron) is formed by particle shrinkage and breaking during combustion. Some material will vaporize and later recondense. During recondensation, these molecules have a high affinity for submicron particles because of the large sur...Coal combustion products; Metal vaporization; Carbon dioxide; Residual ash2001
999 Ehleringer, James R.Carbon isotope discrimination and water relations of oak hybrid populations in southwestern UtahThe evergreen oak Quercus turbinella and the deciduous Q. gambelii form natural hybrids in southwestern Utah and northern Arizona. Hybrid individuals also are found in northern Utah in a region where only Q. gambelii currently exists, indicating that Q. turbinella has recently retreated southward. ...Quercus turbinella; Oak hybrids; Leaf structure; Leaf nitrogen; Carbon isotope discrimination; Water potential; Oak ecology2000
1000 Ehleringer, James R.Carbon isotope discrimination in the C4 shrub Atriplex confertifolia along a salinity gradientCarbon isotope discrimination (∆) was measured for leaves of Atriplex confertifolia along a salinity gradi~ ent in northern Utah. Over this gradient, the variation of ∆ values was high for a C4 species, and the ∆ values were positively correlated with salinity in both years of the study. Of th...Carbon isotope ratio; Salt stress; Bundle sheath leakiness; Halophyte; Atriplex confertifolia; Salinity gradient1995
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