676 - 700 of 2,793
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676 Effects of chalcogenide substitution on the optical, structural, and electronic properties of organic and inorganic semiconductors2019Textir_etd
677 The effects of changing the composition of a mixed mobile phase in electrochemically modulated liquid chromotography2011-08Textir_etd
678 The effects of charge injection in single-wall carbon nanotubes studied by charge-induced absorption2011Textir_uspace
679 The effects of charge transfer inefficiency (CTI) on galaxy shape measurements2010Textir_uspace
680 The effects of climate change on tropical birds2010-01-01Textir_uspace
681 The effects of codon context on in vivo translation speed2014-01-01Textir_uspace
682 Effects of hypoxia,temperature variance, and egg turning on morphology of developing quail (coturnix coturnix japonica) embryos2011-05Textir_etd
683 Effects of intraspecific density-dependence on species richness and species abundance distributions2010Textir_uspace
684 Effects of Mitochondrial Mobility on Astrocyte Function2018Textir_htoa
685 Effects of nonspherical tetraalkylammonium cations on the structure and magnetic properties of non-Prussian blue structured manganese (II) Prussian blue analogues2013-05Textir_etd
686 Effects of orbital degeneracy on a magnetic impurity in a nonmagnetic metal1969-02Textir_uspace
687 The effects of the earth's magnetic field on Cherekov light image parameters2012-08Textir_etd
688 Effects of the Sagittarius dwarf tidal stream on dark matter detectors2004-03Textir_uspace
689 Effects of trenching on growth and survival of planted Shorea parvifolia seedlings under pioneer stands in a logged-over forest1998Textir_uspace
690 The effects of various metal ions on the folding of G-quadruplexes2015-03-31Text; Imageir_uspace
691 Effects of ventilatory regimens on the prevalence of a common gastrointestinal disease in neonates2016-05Textir_htoa
692 Effects of weather on fungal abundance and richness among 25 communities in the Intermountain West2002Textir_uspace
693 Effects of Wind-Generated Underwater Noise on Southern right Whale Group Dynamic2020Textir_htoa
694 Efficiency enhancement of an organic light-emitting diode with a cathode forming two-dimensional periodic hole array2005Textir_uspace
695 Efficient computational methods for electromagnetic imaging with applications to 3D magnetotellurics2014-12Textir_etd
696 Efficient correction of mismatched bases in plasmid heteroduplexes injected into cultured mammalian cell nuclei.1985-01Textir_uspace
697 Efficient dipole-dipole coupling of Mott-Wannier and Frenkel excitons in (Ga,In)N quantum well/polyfluorene semiconductor heterostructures2007-07Textir_uspace
698 Efficient shine- Dalgarno sequence but not translation is necessary for LacZ mRNA stability in Escherichia coli1994Textir_uspace
699 Efforts toward the synthesis of NA22598A1 and the investigation of its mechanism of action2017Textir_etd
700 Efforts towards the total synthesis of brevenal and development of olefinic amide and olefinic lactam cyclizations using a reduced titanium alkylidene2010-08Textir_etd
676 - 700 of 2,793