151 - 175 of 563
Number of results to display per page
151 Dissolution kinetics of carbonate apatite and effects of solution ions1994-06Textir_etd
152 The diurnal variation of norepinephrine in the rat parotid gland1972-06Textir_etd
153 Dopamine receptor regulation of vesicular monoamine transporter-2: implications for neurotoxicity and Parkinson's neurodegenration.2004-08Textir_etd
154 Dopaminergic modulation of cultured rat olfactory receptor neurons1999-12Textir_etd
155 Dopaminergic regulation of extrapyramidal and limbic neurotensin activity1995-12Textir_etd
156 Drug information seeking-behavior among healthcare professionals within the University of Utah Community Clinics2011-05Textir_etd
157 Drug modification of chloride transport in the choroid plexus- cerebrospinal fluid system of the rat1986-06Textir_etd
158 Drug release mechanisms from heterogeneous interpenetrating networks1994-06Textir_etd
159 Drug-free macromolecular therapeutics for treatment of B-Cell malignancies2015-08Textir_etd
160 Dysregulation of retinoid biosynthesis and metabolism during colon carcinogenesis2006-05Textir_etd
161 Early biochemical events during macrophage activation.1981-06Textir_etd
162 Economic evaluation of 21-Gene assay for early stage breast cancer patients from the perspective of the Chinese health care system2012-08Textir_etd
163 Economic evaluations in pain management: principles and methods.2006Textir_uspace
164 The effect of atomistic interactions on RNA conformational distributions, folding and ligand binding via molecular dynamics simulations and docking2016Textir_etd
165 Effect of body temperature on the acute decrease of tryptophan hydroxylase activity induced by 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine1995-06Textir_etd
166 The effect of cimetidine on serum concentrations of piroxicam1985-05Textir_etd
167 Effect of cycloheximide treatment on the mixed-function oxidase system of rat liver1971-06Textir_etd
168 The effect of diflunisal administration on the pharmacokinetics and metabolic fate of acetaminophen in man1987-06Textir_etd
169 The effect of furosemide on sodium-22 uptake into cerebrospinal fluid and brain1971-06Textir_etd
170 Effect of immobilized prostaglandins on platelet function1985-12Textir_etd
171 Effect of intrauterine progesterone administration on uterine receptor and luminal fluid1981-06Textir_etd
172 Effect of isoproterenol on tyrosine hydroxylase activity in Mouse submaxillary glands.1976-06Textir_etd
173 The effect of metyrapone on the elimination kinetics and metabolic fate of acetaminophen in man1985-12Textir_etd
174 Effect of modified nucleosides on the structure of the anticodon domain of Escherichia coli tRNALys2000-08Textir_etd
175 Effect of ouabain on Ca45 kinetics in the myocardium determined by the technique of diffusible indicator-dilution1967-06Textir_etd
151 - 175 of 563