401 - 425 of 563
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401 Oxidative folding of conotoxins: chemical and biological developments to efficiency of production of short, cysteine-rich peptides2013-05Textir_etd
402 Pathophysiology associated with a single gene (MASS1) mutation underlying the robust audiogenic seizure phenotype in Frings mice2003-05Textir_etd
403 Patient attitudes and expectations of pharmacist-provided clinical services in clinic-based community pharmacies2010-12Textir_etd
404 Patterns of signs, symptoms, and cytokines during the engraftment phase of autologous stem cell transplantation2010-02-03Textir_etd
405 Penetration of cefoperazone into the ventricular fluid in patients with non-inflamed meninges1982-06Textir_etd
406 Peptide-based therapeutics: engineering galanin for systemic anticonvulsant and anagesic activity2012-05Textir_etd
407 Performance appraisal of decentralized pharmacists1988-06Textir_etd
408 pH-Sensitive Micelle for multidrug resistant tumors2010-05-14Textir_etd
409 Pharmaceutical applications of a Pinyon Oleoresin1961-05Textir_etd
410 Pharmacist instruction and patient compliance with medication therapy1974-03Textir_etd
411 Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic implications of inhaled ester-based anesthetic agents2016-08Textir_etd
412 Pharmacokinetic study of uterine progesterone retention1997-12Textir_etd
413 Pharmacokinetics and dosage adjustment of netilmicin in patients with cystic fibrosis1984-06Textir_etd
414 The pharmacokinetics of cefoperazone in premature infants1981-05Textir_etd
415 The pharmacokinetics of moxalactam in renal failure patients1981-03Textir_etd
416 The pharmacokinetics of pirmenol during short term oral dosing1983-06Textir_etd
417 Pharmacological and physiological properties of denervated mammalian skeletal muscle.1967-06Textir_etd
418 Pharmacological approach for inhibition of neointimal hyperplasia associated with arteriovenous hemodialysis graft stenosis2014-08Textir_etd
419 Pharmacology and gating of SLO2.1, an intracellular Na+ activated potassium channel2014-12Textir_etd
420 The pharmacology of anticonvulsant drug combinations.2008-02-01Textir_etd
421 Pharmacometric benchmarking: quantitative methods to assess the predictive performance of population pharmacokinetic modeling programs2016-05Textir_etd
422 Pharmacy leaders and the entry-level Doctor of Pharmacy1993-06Textir_etd
423 Phosphorylation of cardiac troponin by guanosine 3':5'-monophosphate-dependent protein kinase.1978-01-25Textir_uspace
424 Photoreceptor cGMP phosphodiesterase delta subunit (PDEdelta) functions as a prenyl-binding protein2004Textir_uspace
425 Physicochemical studies basic to cholesterol gallstone formation and dissolution: correlation between cholesterol thermodynamic activity laser light scattering data nucleation times and or dissolution tendencies.1993-06Textir_etd
401 - 425 of 563