726 - 750 of 1,082
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726 The Patriot: A Creative Exploration of Critical Race Theory in Film and Media2019Textir_htoa
727 Pedagogy and usability in language-learning apps2019Textir_etd
728 Penn Central Transportation Company v. New York City: easy taking-clause cases make uncertain Law.2006-06-16Textir_uspace
729 Perceptions and enacted identities within the hiv prevention counseling context2016-05Textir_etd
730 Permissiveness and control (Book Review)1981-10Textir_uspace
731 Peruvian immigrant paradox: Exploring differences in learning cultures and math curriculum2016-03Textir_htoa
732 Philip II and the construction of Macedonian state2012-08Textir_etd
733 Philosophical genesis of ideal types1980Textir_uspace
734 Phonophobia1973Textir_etd
735 Physician attitudes toward patients1986Textir_uspace
736 Picaras, moriscas and conversas: the double-marginalization of the "Oriental Other" in Spain's early modern picaresque novel2012-05Textir_etd
737 Pilot Testing a Rapport Building Checklist with Law Enforcement and immigrant Communities2019Textir_htoa
738 Pioneer life of Utah as reflected in the writings of Edward Stevenson1952Textir_etd
739 Pioneering physicians in Utah, 1847-19001976Textir_etd
740 Place of Thucydides in ancient historiography2009-05Textir_etd
741 Plato's Ethics (Book Review)2001-09-16Textir_uspace
742 Playing the game: the extra-legislative political maneuvering of gaius julius caesar during his early career2017Textir_etd
743 Pleasure in practical reasoning1993Textir_uspace
744 Policies and Procedures in the communication and collaboration of IEP team members for autstic children2017Textir_htoa
745 Politeness in increasing degrees of imposition: a sociolinguistic study of politeness in political conversations2009-03-16Textir_etd
746 Political liberalism, cultural membership and the family1999Textir_uspace
747 The politics and poetics of airport (in)security rhetoric: materialism, affect, and the transportation security administration2013-08Textir_etd
748 The politics of cultural programming in public spaces2007Textir_uspace
749 The politics of homesteading in the early twentieth-century American West: the origin and supersession of the Enlarged homestead act and the stock raising homestead act1972Textir_etd
750 Postfeminism in female team superhero comic books2014-08Textir_etd
726 - 750 of 1,082