426 - 450 of 545
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426 Report on some building stones submitted for the Utah capitol1912Textir_etd
427 Resistivity and induced polarization survey of a basalt flow in a geothermal environment, Western Utah1975-08Text; Imageir_etd
428 Resistivity imaging by time domain electromagnetic migration (TDEMM)1995Textir_uspace
429 Resistivity/porosity/velocity relationships from downhole logs: an aid for evaluating pore morphology1993Textir_uspace
430 Results of borehole televiewer observations in the Celebes and Sulu Seas1991Textir_uspace
431 Rigorous 3D inversion of marine CSEM data based on the integral equation method2007Textir_uspace
432 Scientific methods: an online book2001Textir_uspace
433 Sedimentary geology and geoscience education: a combined study of sequence stratigraphy and spatial visualization using outcrop examples from the cretaceous tertiary of Utah2011-08Textir_etd
434 Sedimentary petrology and stratigraphy of the lodore formation (Upper Cambrian), Northeast Utah and Northwest Colorado1979Textir_etd
435 Sedimentary petrology of the nugget sandstone northern Utah, western Wyoming, and eastern Idaho1964Textir_etd
436 Sedimentary response to paleoclimate from downhole logs at Site 693, Antarctic Continental Margin1990Textir_uspace
437 Sedimentation and deformation in the Southern Sevier Foreland, Red Hills, Southwestern Utah2010Textir_etd
438 Sedimentology and downhole log analysis of Site 820, central Great Barrier Reef outer shelf: the factors controlling Pleistocene progradational and aggradational seismic geometry1993Textir_uspace
439 Sedimentology and geomorphic significance of the bishop conglomerate and the Browns Park Formation, Eastern Uinta Mountains, Utah, Colorado, And Wyoming (Thesis and maps)1970-06Text; Imageir_etd
440 Sedimentology and sulfur isotope geochemistry of Green River Formation (Eocene), Uinta Easin, Utah Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado1975-06Textir_etd
441 Sedimentology of the Dakota Formation (Cretaceous), Uinta Mountains, Northeastern Utah1973-12Textir_etd
442 Sedimentology, stratigraphic architecture, isotopic composition, and reservoir characterization of the jurassic Navajo Sandstone, San Rafael Swell, Utah2019Textir_etd
443 Seismic event characterization and ambient noise seismic imaging in Southwestern Utah, using multiple dense geophone arrays2018Textir_etd
444 Seismic source discrimination in the Wasatch Plateau Region of Central Utah2016Textir_etd
445 Seismic stratigraphy and history of deep circulation and sediment drift development in Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea1989Textir_uspace
446 Seismicity and tomographic imaging of the yellowstone crustal magmatic-tectonic system2013-12Textir_etd
447 Selenium removal processes from Great Salt Lake, Utah: estimating sedimentation and verifying volatilization fluxes2008-05Textir_etd
448 The sentinel landslide Zion National Park, Utah2015-08Textir_etd
449 Sequence stratigraphy, depositional history, and hydrocarbon potential of the mancos shale, Uinta Basin, Utah2013-12Textir_etd
450 Silicified trace fossils and ichnofabrics in permian units of northwestern Utah: morphology and microfacies2018Textir_etd
426 - 450 of 545