101 - 125 of 203
Number of results to display per page
101 Martini (6)2005Imageir_uspace
102 Matriarchs2007Imageir_uspace
103 Monsanto Pond2002Imageir_uspace
104 Monsters in medieval and renaissance travel literature: a study in Credulity and skepticism1949Textir_etd
105 Moth Spirit Reliquary2002Imageir_uspace
106 Motherboard III2002Imageir_uspace
107 Motherhood and representation at the sackler center for feminist art: Judy Chicago, Catherine Opie, Canan Senol2011-08Textir_etd
108 Motion pictures2006-05Textir_etd
109 Multicultural: Facts and findings from the two years I spent living under a microscope2017-12Textir_mfafp
110 Mutant Pond with Snake2005Imageir_uspace
111 Mutant Tide Pool with Genetically Modified Corn Fish and Lobster2006Imageir_uspace
112 Night Sea (back)2005Imageir_uspace
113 Night Sea (front)2005Imageir_uspace
114 Non-objective and subject matter dependent visual stimulus in artwork: investigating accessible art therapies for vulnerable populationsTextir_uw
115 Non-objective and subject matter-dependent visual stimuli in artwork therapy: investigating heart rate variability in vulnerable populations2024Textir_htoa
116 Of Hearts and Orchards2004Imageir_uspace
117 Of Hearts and Orchards (detail)2004Imageir_uspace
118 Offering2005; 2006; 2007Imageir_uspace
119 Oh the Humanities! Using the Clemente Program to Educate Underserved Students in Art History2016-08Textir_htoa
120 Oh, Dracula: Chris Burden's 1974 performance at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts2015-08Textir_etd
121 Overly Idealized Portrait of the Artist with Muses and Demons2005Imageir_uspace
122 Painting the town, inside and out2010-03-15Text; Imageir_uspace
123 Paper & tape2008-05Textir_etd
124 Park2008Imageir_uspace
125 Performativity and identity in the illuminated photographs of the Countess de Castiglione2013Textir_etd
101 - 125 of 203