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Publication Type technical report
School or College College of Engineering
Department Computing, School of
Creator George, Lal
Title Efficient evaluation of normal order through strictness information
Date 1987-03
Description Normal order functional languages (NOFLs) offer conceptual simplicity, expressive power and attractiveness for parallel execution. In NOFLs expressions are represented in a graphical form and transformed to the final answer using graph transformation rules. Until the G-machine project in Sweden, implementations of NOFLs on von Neumann machines were orders of magnitude slower than those for imperative languages. The central reasons for this poor performance were the high control overhead of demand evaluation and fine object code granularity (e.g. SKI combinators) used in most NOFL implementations.
Type Text
Publisher University of Utah
Subject NOFL; strictness analysis; computers
Subject LCSH Programming languages (Electronic computers)
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation George, L. (1987). Efficient evaluation of normal order through strictness information.
Series University of Utah Computer Science Technical Report
Relation is Part of ARPANET
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 192,765 Bytes
File Name George-Efficent_Evaluation.pdf
Conversion Specifications Original scanned with Kirtas 2400 and saved as 400 ppi uncompressed TIFF. PDF generated by Adobe Acrobat Pro X for CONTENTdm display
ARK ark:/87278/s6j69gxv
Setname ir_computersa
ID 94239
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Title Page 73
Setname ir_computersa
ID 94222
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