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Show 11 TH LIF O - the author saw when he began to plan his fable eneiny10 His good sense informed him, that well-know of Pragi historical truth ought not to be violated b 15 {0 85 such romantic fictions, as those whic prsesse Colonel Dow and others had disfigured thei devotéd t exotic tragedies undunted wit Mr. Jephson took a very dif ferent road : He has shewn his dramatic skil ouatry. in the conduct of his piece Theincidentsar I epresent probable, and so artfully interwoven with th tyrant, 2bo texture of the whole, that expectation is kep scene, in alive, and the passions are thrown into violen agitation The characters are drawn with Ramirez Braganag, faithful pencil from the historic page. Th Duke of Braganza has all the great an 5 diaboficg amiable qualities ascribed to him by Vertot 4 Yusoneq y ambitious, without the vices that usually atten that passion brave withou rashness generous, without profusion; an - affectionat husband a tru patriot an determine enem gued, Th 1t to Bragqn Roman Chug before Chtere Reder ¢ b Yor, 1 |