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Show 2^3 J t o / 7 ^ February 6, 1956 Mr. A. aeguih Keshan Permanent Under-Secretary of State ministry of Education Cairo Peer Mr. Hashemi My eld friend, Br. Carl H. lores!tag, 8-Irector of the Oriental Institute ef the University of Chicago, has told ma of the great courtesy end efficiency with which you have promoted the scholarly enterprises ef the Oriental Institute. Therefore I venture to ask for your help la a similar undertaking, ef which I em the director. On October 24, Its;, e Committee for the Exploration ef St. Catherine's monastery en Mount Sinai was established te promote Investigation and publication ef the extraordinary Byzantine end Islamic monuments located there. The Committee consists ef professors and official* ef the University ef Michigan end Princeton university. I enclose a copy ef the notes en ear first meeting, which Indicate the outlines ef eur project, we feel that this Is e realistic mi well grounded enter* prise since It Is besed en the considerable experience ef the individual member* ef the group mi hat the full support* both morel end financial, ef the two universities, both ef which have long traditions ef scholarly research and publication en the mat fast, You will recall that the University ef Michigan produced for eighteen years the distinguished periodica?, Art islemfca. which has been succeeded by Are Orlentalls. supported by the University and the ffmt gallery ef Art la the Smithsonian Institution. Gur proposed study et Mount Sine! Is pert ef an Intense interest ef our two universities in your country - am Interest which else finds expression la the Princeton Program In $eer Eastern Studies, In our own department of near Eastern Studies* mi in their various courses and publications. In June, 193*, a reconnaissance expedition was sent to Mount Sinai by the University of Michigan. Three members of our present towwittee took part In that expedition? Professor tfeitimean, Mr. Anderegs, and myself, m received en Indelible Impression ef the courtesy of the Egyptian government and of the good will ef the Egyptian Army, which placed full confidence in our purely scholarly intentions and permitted us to enter a restricted military tone, we feel e deep sense of obligation toward Egypt, and our present proposal is Intended to continue and enlarge the *mm desirable relationship. After the meeting ef October 24, 1S57, eur two universities undertook preparations for a campaign ef field work, which is outlined en page three ef the enclosed "Motes'* en that meeting. As toon as financial support was obtained and we felt In a position te make e realistic proposal to the Egyptian government, we sent on ©eeambar It, 1917, a memorandum te the Egypt ten A^estader In this country, outlining our plans. On January 30, 1958, President Robert P. Goheen of Princeton University tent the Ambassador another one. Copies ef both ere enclosed herewith. President Matcher of the university ef Michigan Is addressing one te you, which I else enclose* |