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Show office in Cairo on hearing from them that my o^a passage ie paid in pounds by the. Foundation. I propose to repeat the eaiae arrangement which you kindly followed with my departure last December, -y issuing a letter authorising Cook*a Travel Agency to book B$ passage within the mm limits (that la, L.l, 147«543 m/m)» Then I shall have to pay the balance of my own and igr wife's passagef sine© my trip tliig tins wiU be such mere costly than the last. As U, • lit - • o been accurr latlng rather rapidly with presentation ' •> - :xl literature from all sides, 1 should also appro ria'r it very much if you could sake sorae allowance for extra weight. 1 have also bought a groat deal of American publications which arr, hard to gat in ^cypt, owing to dollar difficulties, and these '-'111 be of great importance for the study of American life and thought in Pcypt, I si-all writ tc mr bro-''her-in-law, W* Youssof Habib Meesiha, to call on you shortly for the official letter of authorization to Cook's. I '.*?." " r„- :i-nelf an! pay tho $a3 nee of tho cost of tho trip in cash. I am afraid I have taken too such of your time by writing at such lor?;:*" , hut '-his is nahlng tip for arrears. thank you in anticipation, aM vSth my kindest remembrances and best wishes. Tour a Very sincerely,! ABS.tna Aziz S, Atiya |