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Show I _?T_C/ c/f-ndzizcjc) ,: -*' $846 <l/\/kUvaood ' •'* ^f-nnJtr&ot, *Mi. 48104 ' "*" ' J... ." ?•' ...._w-'****^r' 6 June 1976 23; I Dear Aziz, I dislike being awakened by the demanding ring of the telephone but in this case the pleasure of speaking to you and Lola soon evaporated my grouchiness. Sorry it took me so long to recognize your voice but you must excuse me for being in a sleepy daze. At any rate I did not fumble around with names. How exciting to think that perhaps, at long last, our project has a chance of materializing. I do hope I will not be required to perform as many duties as on Sinai, i.e.* in charge of transportation, suppLies, workmen, photography. It would be a bit too much now. I would much rather just be in charge of photography, and perhaps to have a registrar on my staff to keep records, etc. It is almost impossible to make an estimate of the requirements without first having visited the various sites. I can pretty well tell what photographic equipment will be needed for any expedition but there is much peripheral material t0 be reckoned with. For example, it would be a costly error to purchase and ship a 5-story scaffold such as we had on Sinai and find that only a 2-story one were needed. The same can be said for electric generators etc. etc. In view of ail this I think it would serve us well if it were made possible for me to spend a week or 10 days visiting the various sites to be recorded. On 5 October mother and I will arrive in Spain for a 6 week vacation. As soon as possible thereafter, before it gets too ©old, we pLan to leave for Switzerland. I am perfectly wilLing to give up some of my vacation and it would save ARCE some money if I were to be sentic from Switzerland rather than from the States. So, if it could be managed to get me a ticket from Basel or St. Gallen to Cairo around the 8th. of October I would be only too happy to make the trip. I assume that ARCE wouLd provide transportation to the vardious monasteries and would take care of my expenses. One thing must be understood before any steps are taken. I must make the same two stipuLations I make on any expedition: 1. Processing of films, both color and black and white, must be made daily (this is to guarantee that the shots are adequate) and 2. my crew must have one day of rest per week. As for the size of the crew which wilL be required this can ondy be determined after I have made the survey of the sites. Minimal requirements wouLd be one or two more photographers and a 'registrar'. Should there be a goodly volume of microfilming to be done in any one place this would require another crew and a completely different set of equipment. If I understand the financial situation correctly most of the funds for this project would be derived from counterpart funds, meaning that there wilL be but few dollars to disburse. The few persons I have in mind to assist me are quite willing to work for Egyptian pounds, able to receive s obmute donollyl aurps ,t oif a o ncleyrt ation p apyoi tnhte.i rT hienyc osmheo utladx. be |