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Show 5 . -A . o = 23 B il e o Cel. Some foolifh pcople have.madeit uncafic RM RI by drawing the kno fafter than they need 5 but we that ate wifer will loofen'ita listle Flor. *Tis true indeced, there's fome difference betwixt a ‘Girdle and Halter Cel. As for the fuft year, according to the laudable cufiom of ne married people, we fhall follow one another up into Chambers, and dow into Gardens, and think we fhall' never have enough of one another.m So far 'tis pleafant enough I hope Flor. But after that, when we begin to live like:Husband and VVife and never come neax one anothe what then Sir Cel. VVhy then ouronly happinefs muft be to have one mind, and on S Flor. One mind- if thouwilt, but prithee let us have two wills; for find one will be little enough for me alone Buthow if thofe willsthoul S mect and clath, Celadon Cel. T'warrant thee for that : Husbands and VVives keep their wills f enough afunder for ever meeting that is, neverto be jealous. Fler. No one thing let us be fure to agree on but ¢'n love one another as long as we can ; - and confef the truth -when we can love no longer Cel. VVhen 1 have been at play, you fhall never ask me what money have loft Flor. VVhen I have been abroad you fhall never enquire who treate me Cel. Item, 1will have the libesty to fleep all night, ' without your interrupting: my tepofe for any evil defign whatfoever Flor.-Ttem; Then you thall bid me good night beforé you flecp Cel. Provided always, that whatever liberties we take with other pco ple, we continue very honeflt to oncanother Flor Asfaras will confit with a pleafant life Cel. Lafily, wherea the names of Husband and Wife hold forth no thing, but clafhing and cloying, and dulnefs and faintoefs: in-their figni fication 5 they fhall be abolith'd' for ever bet wixt us e -- Cel. None of my priviledge to be infring'd by thee Florimel, unde A the penalty ofa month of Fafting- nights -k s e WP the penalty of Cuckoldom S - < Flor. None of my priviledges to be infring'd' by thee Celaden; unde Flor. And inltead of thofe, we will be married by the more agreeabl names of Miftrels and Gallant o S will, Florimel in e ------ e - ‘ Tk e o Toe Maiden Quven. .4 .' Cel. VVell, ifitbe my fortune to be made'a Cuckold, Ihad rather tho fhouldft make me one than any one in Sicily have thee oftner than any of thy fervants and for my comfort I fhal Flor. Laye now, is not fuch a:marriage as good as wenching, Geladon Cel hilles Mo T I Tz{*}o o ' mfgelit b A o etlove [ aify it doe rew "-" by c GeYO whe ?*Ecrnmayfa‘;‘.;r Thilaclo |