Counselor recall of specific details: implications for counseling and counselor training

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Education
Department Educational Psychology
Creator Gardner Michael K.
Other Author White, Thomas B; Packard, Ted; Wampold, Bruce E.
Title Counselor recall of specific details: implications for counseling and counselor training
Date 1988
Description A question of considerable interest within the social influence model (Strong, 1968) has been "How can one increase the likelihood of being viewed by the client as a credible professional?" Many counselor characteristics have been studied to determine their effects on perceived credibility; however, the importance of the counselor's recall of details from the client's narrative has been largely, although not entirely, overlooked by researchers and clinicians.
Type Text
Publisher Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
Volume 28
Issue 1
First Page 43
Last Page 52
Subject Client; Salient; Sessions
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Gardner, M. K., White, T. B., Packard, T., & Wampold, B. E. (1988). Counselor recall of specific details: implications for counseling and counselor training. Counselor Education and Supervision, 28(1), 43-52.
Rights Management (c)Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
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