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Show REFERENCES 1. Coal & Synfuels Technology, August 13, 1990. 2. Coal & Synfuels Technology, August 6, 1990. 3. A. D. LaRue and L. W. Rodgers, "Development of Low NOxCell Burners for Retrofit Applications," presented at the EPRIlEPA 1985 Joint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control, Boston, Massachusetts, May 6-9, 1985. 4. M. 1. Clark, et al., "Development of a Retrofit Low NOx Cell Burner," ASME Paper 86- JPGC-FACf-G, presented at the loint Power Generation Conference, Portland, Oregon, October 19-23, 1986. 5. M. l. Clark, et al., "Large Scale Testing and Development of the B&W Low NOx Cell Burner," presented at the 1987 EPRIJEPA loint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 23-27, 1987. 6. GJ.Maringo, et al., "Feasibility of Reburning for Cyclone Boiler NO" Control," presented at the 1987 EPRIIEPA loint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control, New Orleans, Louisiana, March 23-27, 1987. 7. H. Farzan, et al., "Pilot Evaluation of Reburning for Cyclone Boiler NOx Control," presented at the American Flame Research Committee Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, October 4-6, 1988. 8. H. Farzan, et al., "Pilot Evaluation of Reburning for Cyclone Boiler NOx Control," presented at the 1989 EPRIIEPA loint Symposium on Stationary Combustion NOx Control, San Francisco, California, March 6-9, 1989. 9. H. Farzan, et al., "l00-MWe Demonstration of Coal Rebuming for NOx Control in Cyclone Boilers," Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Vol. 2, pp. 949-958, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 25-29, 1989. 10. D. B. Spalding, "The Art of Partial Modeling," Ninth Symposium (Int.) on Combustion, Academic Press, 1963, pp. 833-843. 11. T. R. Johnson and 1. G. Sotter, "Application of Pilot-Scale Coal Testing to Utility Boilers," EPRI Final Report No. CS-5946, luly 1988. 12. W. Richter, "Scale-Up and Advanced Perfonnance of Boiler Combustion Chambers," ASME Paper 85-W A/HT-80, presented at the ASME Winter Annual Meeting, Miami Beach, Florida, November 17-21, 1985. 11 |