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Show 4 f1VE~ STOP 'to wonder what makes Bt. ~ChrIstopher's Mission click? Where is the dynamic which supplies power? For the first time, maybe, there is available a small book in plain and simple language that tells about our religion. Written by Father Liebler, published by Exposition Press, it should be ready very soon after you get this Newsletter. Have your favorite bookseller order for you, or else order direct from Exposition at 386 Fourth Ave., New York. The book was written only because it is needed, and we couldn't find that the job had ever been done. Now that there is a 4th or 5th grader in almost every hoghan on the Reservation, the Faith can be presented by this medium, as it could not in past years when complete illiteracy was the rule. Oh yes, the title is "When We Look Around Us," · and those who order late are going to be disappointed! (Price $2.50). It is a book to read, to re-read, to lend, to ask for back again, and to keep. . IT1HE Staff of St. Christopher's as we write . onsists of the following (in the order of arrival): Father Liebler, Helen Sturges, Brother Juniper, Catherine Pickett and Ruth Palmer. "Jo" Proudfoot, too, has been with us for the better part of a year, and has made herself useful in countless ways. We list these for your information - folk often write, asking who is here and who is not. Gerry Olson has left to take up work at St. Christopher's in 'New York City (no connection, save through the Communion of Saints). Perhaps this is as good a time as any to repeat the request that letters on Mission subjects be addressed to the Mission, not to individuals. Probably lots of letters have been forwarded to Gerry which really should have stayed here, but we have no choice. "Men may come and men may go" but the Mission goes on, we hope, for ever. And speaking of coming, Martin Harris is probably on his way as we write, as are Wayne and J 0 Pontious, and before we read proof on these lines most of our Summer workers will be here. A full report on their . ~ctivities should appear in the Autumn issue. The only "group project" arranged for so far is again from Holy Trinity Church, Alhambra, California. Despite their hard |