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Show cwlyweds The Lord 's my Shepherd , I'll not want, He makes me down to lie In pastures green. He leadeth me The quiet waters by. T o the tune of Brother J a me's Air, the girl 's choir sang these words as Richard Maryboy and Sa lly Frese were united in marriage on a warm Sa turday morning in August. It was a t histori c old St. George's Parish in the City of Newburgh, New York , founded in 1729. Fa ther Ridgeway pe rformed the ceremony and celebrated the Nuptia l Mass. Fa ther Mitchell and fa mily "escaped" from a Maine vacation to a ttend the reception . Fa ther Wayne stood by as bes t man and J o calmed the bride! It was trul y a St. Christopher's Day in New York- but not for long! Fa ther Way ne and J o soon headed back to pick up family a t grandparents in Ka nsas and continue missionwards, where li vi ng quarters ha d to be readied for the Mitchell s, clean-up of the burned out church organized a nd school to be considered . T he honeymoon was quickly over for the Maryboys, who returned ready to plunge into wor k. The new house was pre pared first. Furniture was dona ted by St. Ba rnabas' Church, Cortez, Colorad o, and a thousand las t minu te deta ils h andled by Mr. Verle Green of Bluff, who is now our mainte na nce helper. Ri chard returned to the Mission kitchen where Brother Juniper had faith fully car r ied on , while Sally learned housework ! A little la ter, the Mitchells a rri ved to join our community. How we had waited for t hem! Their t ra iler had been placed at t he north end of the cl inic but the u tilities had to be slowly and painfully insta lled. Meanwhil e, back a t t he main Miss ion h ouse, the se ptic tank d ra inage h a d to be completely dug up and d rained again , rendering the facilities out of order for severa l wee ks. Al Home And so, we were quite ready to welcome four work groups which joined us a t the end of the summer with will ing h ands and h a ppy voices. T he Congregation al Young Peo ple from Thomaston, Connecticut, a rri ved fi rst. The Rev. Victor Wa lgren brought the group who had earned and saved money a ll year for this tri p. ext were Father Kuenneth from Sterling, Colorad o, with his boys, and the Holladay Commun ity Church Young People fro m Salt La ke City. Fin all y, our old fri ends from California expanded their crew this year to 45 strong! Father Hultgren 's gang included young people from a ll over the Diocese of Los Ange les, four pries ts and a complete fa mily. • The work was organzied very well under the circum-stances. The outdoor privy was repa ired fi rst ! Our old swimmin' hole saw many bars of soap every afternoon a t four, being applied to red backs, blistered hands and tired bodies. At one point the ki tchen crew was couoting 85 heads a t eac h meal-and how glad we were to have TV trays to substitu te for dishes! T he old church site was cleared ; forays to Ced a r Mesa brought ma ny posts for our fe nce-ma kin g and building, dra inage di tches were dug, garbage cans pain ted bright red and white and ma ny smaller jobs completed. Thank you a ll so much for your help. Susan Greetin g our various returns in August was Miss Susan Abe, one of the very few high school graduates from our area, who h as been retained to ass ist Mrs. Sa lly in the school. On September 15, our school bell rang again for an enrollment of 20 students. Last year we began with 12. O ur pre-school tra ining has been very helpful to children begining government and public schools, which now have our spring "gra dua tes" in first grade. The church fire has prevented us from bringing children across the river with a bus this fall as we had intended . Of course, the initia l shock of the fi re has departed. W e have ta ken much encouragement from your co nt r ibut ions and lette rs of sympa th y. Several gifts of needed church vestments a nd equipment have e na bl ed us to carryon our worship-first in the schoolroom and now that sc hool is in progress- in our old toy room in the school building. J oan is ma king it as a ttractive as pos-ible. Also through your generosi ty, we ha ve been able to begin a rebuilding fund which must grow grea tly to meet the task a head of us. In many ways the work here has bee n retarded as much as fi ve years just in the minds of the people alone. T hey cannot understand how such a thing could be done delibera tely and a re puzzled and bewildered. Please keep us ali in yo ur praye rs. The stone a ltar and Our Lady of the Navajo st ill sta nd over the burned site. We hope they will be res tored in time for Father Lie bl er's 50th Annive rsary on October 5th and that he may celebra te the occasion out-of-doors h ere. His ch a lice and paten are back and have been res tored to their origin a l bea uty. Ma ny th a nks to a ll who ma de it possibl e. |