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Show B-44692-2. It scorns from an examination of the copies of the affidavits referred informally by Senator Smoot that tho mother of the applicants was a full-blood Uto Indian who belonged to*tho band on the Uintah Reservation now under Chief Tabby; that her brother Albert Murdoch is now enrolled and recognized a3 a Ute of the reservation, and that the applicants are of opinion that should their cases be submitted to a council of the older Indians of the reserve who know of them,favorable action would probably bo taken. The copioo of the affidavits mentioned arc herewith enclosed, and should be cent by you to the attorney of the applicants with the request that the originals be furnished you should such action not have been taken. Further, you should obtain from Albert Burdock an additional statement to be sworn to before you or a notary public sotting out fully his recollection of the facts concerning tha capture of himself and said 3ister, where sho was reared and by whom, the names of her parents if known, to whom she was married with and v/hen, and if sac was affiliated/and recognized aa a member of the Ute band at the time of her capture, and whether or not she ever returned thereto or resumed her affiliation after her marriage to Joseph S. Burdock, applicants' father. It is suggested also that you obtain sworn statements concerning the case from such of the Indians as aro mentioned by tho applicants, should they be living and on the reservation. |