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Show DEPARTMENT OP TEE INTERIOR, TUTITED STATE3 ISBttS IKSPECTIOIf SEBVZCE, -3- SUggected by Capt, hall, aa. ,; oy.a'- rxor/c;: xe.de to.' kys'.iy and School purposes, provido'l Xer. Another natter to which attention Is called ia the prospectiny and mining operations now briny conducted en the reservation. There are two companies, - the Florence Mining Conv.x . and the Raven Mining Company, who claic to have right., under the laws, and have been _ rmitted r,o prospect unmolested in various parto of the reservation for sometime. The riorence Mining Company is represented 7,y Mr, Tims, who ia hoarding at ahe Agency and has men doing prospe X; \-orY: only. I'r. Tims claims a right to prospect by his interpretation ob the wording of 1 he A. ropriation Act of 1903, The Rav en ..fining Com- ti y a contract bo mine Silsonlte and ... Hydrocarbons, by the terms of which, the report of their aperations and the payment of royalties are to be made to the Indian office without regard to the Agency, ao that the agent io unable to detenriins whether or not they are properly fulfilling their contract . A A known, however, that the,',- have rained hundreds of aon3, . have exhausted some of their claims and aro at present opei in tv/o different places, daily a3 i.argo i a:.a A ies A the min ra3 . 7a ; ays ents have ever be n Dads by the Raven Mining Company so far • .... A, /. p.a.e.y r-eerda a. aw. ho books are kept at tho mine to indicate aa .mount of miner ". shipped, and while '7:-.: com any, I a i ed , is composed of |