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Show OMHOnV 1VW0I1VN 3H1 IV t^eo^ois' npow v ax* 7 yXYyxm. »;iilK^* .'^nesf9*B*-' . itfo^K^A ajw^a^C/*vSw^eV ^ ^ ><&*#•*** .,:LXi_..^__4^i*iS'j0fi- •*«*« VM«i * * * £ * • ' T 1 ' p . ... .A j£f°$7"! ij*a'.;l*f*'<5 V_*BTGT2_I iitea* - who violate any of the By-Laws ar rules and regulation a of the nation may be expelled from membership after a hearing by the Board of Director a. ira nay withdraw froa the Assoo a tl en between Nov. 1 end April 1 following, if after a hearing before the Board of Directors they feci thay have not been Justly treated, provided that all obligations In the Aaaoolation have bean aatlsfactcrlly settled. The Board ef Directors nay restore any expelled member ct euoh time ca they foci that the expelled Bomber will abide by the rules and cooperate with the Asaoetetlcn. Section 8. If a member sells or otherwise ceases to own any stock, bia memberahlp will automatically cease. Section 4. If, for a period of three years, a man be r who hoc eight head of atook or less does not show a reasonable increase in his herd, ho ehall be called before the & Board of Directors and required to give a reason why he had not....been able to increase hijs holdings. If the explanation ia not satisfactory he 4Lhcll.ber'expelleJj. fran the esso- Ay elation until aueh time aa he can a how a satisfactory increaseT^^,>W^«*-*. ^ pCtk^J0f^0A Sootion 5* All members are to conform with the regulations in regard to the sale, trade or otherwise disposing of stock. They must have a permit from the Superintendent ef tin Raaervation or such employee aa may be authorised by klm to iasua permits, describing the animal and the brand, with the nape of the owner who ia selling, slaughtering or otheaS* wlco disposing of aha animal. The object ef the permit ia to enable the office to keep '-- ~i. accurate record of the atook and to permit of their dispo-il or slaughter only when A stifled* Section 6. Any member celling or otherwise disposing of stock without a permit shall be subject to a fine of not less than $10.00 or not mors than $25.00. Af .. a.. F • • A • Section 7. Alt bulls shall be bought, paid for, and owaed by tiie aesodttlon, and shall be of registered Hereford breed and pass approval of a committee selected by the A Ay, 7; Superintendent and the President of the Association. Ho other bulla ahall be allowed on the xange controlled by the Association. ARTICLE V Section 1. The Association will pay a reward of #50.00 to any person laroduoing lbfoim-ation that will lead to the conviction of m y person illegally killing or otherwiae posing bf cattle o f other stock belaying to Indiana of tha Uintah & Ouray Reservation. ARTJSLS n Sootion 1. Amendments to the by-laws may bo made only at the annual meeting or at a mooting called specifically for that purpose, by a 2/3 majority vote if a quorum Is present. |