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Show ^.y ,„n must, be, yiveii. for each tribe separately. 1. Name of agency CSXyxSyZCSZ. 2. Names of Indian tribes i^4i^Z^.^?^?t^5^./£<r^j?Vk. 3. Population by tribes (Including pupils away at school (a) - AzyyZffxJ^, yyyy y .__CssyyAyAuA<y<yz. <Z.Z-JXZ. i-_- 4. Total Indian and mixed blood population (a) --T/-7 Z^yy^Ul 'x-'i-o ty^^yy>~£^ n^s'i^ 1. MAe3-J^ZfX6y^./Xy.f7i2. FemalesAAAtuyz.fA.Z.SAo. 5. Number of Indians who wear citizen's dress wholly HATZL^.. so ,. ., -i^>_> G. Number of Indians who wear citizen's dress in part H A ^ J X O A ^ ^O AT 7. Number of TnA'ans over 20 years old who can read -Lu-rtX- / . „ „ -i. 8. Number of Indian:' under 20 who can lead _ CAyy->.s +_ A^..^ 9. Numberof Indians who can use English enough for ordinary AAA^^.^..^A_^. ( foyy intercourse .AU-A*A(X. _7Xc*h*s^.. XJ n 10. Number of Indian children of school age (b) ..XT/A UX^JyU^ U~i^ LtXyUjU^ U~Z> 1. Mnles-.^CA-^L^-WA. 2. Females. --UA-rX-Y'* 11. Number, kind, and value of dwelling-houses built hy Indians during the year ...CVzrX....ZA..Yxy. 12. Cost of each to the Government .Jr...K? _Trr-r. 18. Number of missionaries (not reported under head of teachers on school statistics) and denominations to which they belong : 1. Males 77yZyAAAA<Z 2. Females. 19. Number of Indians who are church m e m hers (com in unit aids) til) 20. Number of church buildings > i < r x :t 21. What contributions have been made and expended during the year, and by what religious societies, or other parties, and for what purposes : 1. For education Y<A' 2. For religious or other pnrpos 22. Number of formal marriages among Indians during the year, and by whom solemnized_ 13. Number, kind, and value, of dwelling-houses built/nr Indians U^yuAXy~' "A- ( sZ during the year ..TA^YZ A«A 1 ??>?_ A .7. K4-. 14. Cost of each to the GovernmentaZZ^^'^-'-^.-C^A'-^Si^^ 15, Number of dwelling-houses occupied by Indians (c) L^j-yy *A 10. Number of Indian apprentices who have been learning trades .z^.7y^^Yy~7^_y<yYyAA^/y'7x. 23. Number of divorces dining the year, and by whom granted X X " "A-A2X 2-1. Number of births .. fAXS7f7S%. A. A during the. year, and what trades . AZ^ $<XAi \.ZY(Xyyf^-yy<y^<if7_ 17. What proportion of the subsistence of your Indians is obtained 1, I.v labor of Indians for themselves or others in civilized pursuits _^?/'a ... 2. By fishing, hunting, root-gathering, etc . f.Q.f-Q 3. By issue of Government rations .&£>../P.- - 25. Number of death.-, (from all causes) --.Q*Z7X<XX7L-_. j 'lyX 20. Number of Indians, including women and children killed dining the year: 1. By Indians ..A^irvi-^ .. 'H^-FF 2. Hy United (slates soldiers.. 3. P.y citizens - _. A I'.y suicide , .. , 27. Number of while persons killed by Indians : 1. Males XA-trru-L-^.... 2. Females. (rt) The total of replies to questions 3 and _ should he the same, (b) Between six and eighteen years old. (c) Hut- r,f pni..., brush, mini, etc., not \, be included under this head (d) This should include comm u lij can ta only ; no. baptized in fan Is. |