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Show y.i/ii-.-t must, be, given for e<icli tribe separately. A. Total Indian null mixed blood population («) Z.f.Xs.f/'- y 1. Males CX.AZ.fZ. 2. Females. 5. Number of Indians who wear citizen's dress wholly ..y-M.. 6. Number oE Indians who wear citizen's dress in part 7. Number of Indians ove • 20 years old who can read - 8. Number of Indians under 20 who can read . A... ./A?.. 9. Number of Indians who can u=e English enough for ordinary SOT) yA yA iltlercoursc 10. Number of Indian children of school age (.) 1. Males S-Z>_Y_ 2. Females y?.Z... 11. Number, bind, and value of dwelling-houses built by Indians during the year / _ / X T A 3 ^ X y 12. Cost of each to the. Government--Sf^TSYr. 13. Number, kind, and \nine of dwelling-houses K/ilt for Indians during Hie vein' /. > -- 14. Cost of each to the Government- 7. ..Z^ZX/^.^/cs^l 15. Number of dwelling-houses occupied by Indians (c) _0?A_'.- lfi. Numlier of Indian apprentices who have, been learning trades (luring the year_nnil what trades.. _y-y y <ZY<!z.yA3yysn-iyyyAA y.z. AAAyAyfyi^-rrY.AXAX 17. W h a t proportion of the subsistence of your Indians is obtained 1. Ily lalioi of Indians for Ihemse.lves or others in civilized pursuit.,.. .M.Ay.sy. .^.. '?.. lly fishing, hunting, root-gathering, etc - /-.(y.7cA-jA7y' :i. I!\ issue of Government, ration.. S^Z y^-Z^yyZZ. 18. Number of missionaries (not repot ted under bead of teachers on school statistics) and denominations to which they belong: A Males.._/X^A>_*-^7- 2. Females..A^?"^^r<X. 19. Numberof Indians who are church members (communicants) (<.) zArfs^z-y 20. Number of church buildings *iK£t**r«_ 1.- 21. What contributions have been made and expended during the. year, and by what religions societies, or other pftrtie.1, mid f , , S&lyT-t^y for what purposes : 1. For education. y ysy AxS7?yAyyyyy^^A?r+*y 2. For religions or other purposes , ._, . .yy.Ay?...A^yx:;txA.X77Zsyz.f7yyyy.. 22. Number of formal marriages among Indians during the year, aTid by w h o m solemnized !.'!. Number of divorces during the year, and by w h o m granted ZAzr^-i-yy 24. Number of births . //' 25. Number of deaths (from all causes) ..ZA, . 2(i. Number of Indians, including women and children killed during Hie year : 1.1.?-FA:-....- .(.•.. Af-ys-CTcfYs^^ys yyjTYi* 2. By United Slates soldiers ..ZA?-.fCjf7X<y. yA^ ZZ"S A Uy citizens. / A ^ A A 4. Ily suicide yy zs s*y 27. Number of white persons killed by Indians : A Males.... yA*r**Y... 2. Females . .. .AAfYA.. (a) Th« total of replies to Fjuestiona 3 ftncl -I should tin the Pnnie. {h) Between six nnd eighteen years old. (r) lluti of tfrus.s be included under this bend t<l) This should include com muni emit 9 only ; n.UiHpti.ed infinita. l>rn»h, mud, el,-., mil to |