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Show REPORT OF THE COMMISSIONER OF INDIALN AFFAIRS. 23 TABLE].. -Indian population of the United Stater, ezclu8ive of Alaska, June SO, 19ZS. [Figgres oornpilsd from reports of Indian school supetiotendents supplemented h informatlrmfrm the 1920 cemu~forl ~ c a t i t i e ~wi oh ioh oo Indian ~mee;epresentativeis&cated.l Qrsndt otal ...................................................................................... -344,303 Rue Civilized Tribes, includingfreedmen and iotermsrtied whites ............................... 101 508 DV blood ..................................................................................... 75'519 ~y internacri~g.e. ........................................................................... 2:az Preeimen ................................................................................... 23,405 Exoimiae of five Civiliscd Tdbes ................................................................ U2,797 tNDlIN POPDLATJDN BY ST-ITES. Nevada .................................... New Hampshire ........................... New Jersey ................................ Now hreiico ............................... New York ................................. North Carolina. ........................... North Dakota ............................. Mixed hlood. Total St e t~ss,u psdntwdenDies, and tribes. pmu- Male. Female. Dclnors Adults. $2:. Yore HsK tion. th." 1 or half. less. Totalpopdation ....................... Albnrna: Not under spent .............. Arizona ................................ Camp Verde Schol-Mohaw Anac-he. ............ : ........... Colorado River Apeoey-Mohave r h e m a h ~ e.~.... ................ 1,130 728 1.m 8a 72 ................ 980 Hopi Sehwl. ....................... H,,o pi. .................................................. Nsvajo Schw.l.-.N..s.w..j.o. ......................... Pims Sehwl Pi,,. ............................................... PB,,BgO.. .......... A?arieopa (Gila River) Salt River.. ....................... Irrsrieops. ...................... hrohaveApache ................ r i n a .......................... ssn Carlos ......................... ....... |