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Show In view of the fact that the schools had been called upon for ma-terial for the Indian exhibit at the Jamestown Exposition, no general request was made for material for the Los Angeles institute; but there was a small exhibit of class-room papers, sewing, art needle-work, baskets, pottery, etc., which proved interesting and instructive to the teachers in attendance. An exhibit of native Indian art, p ~ - pared under the supervision of Miss Angel De Cora, attracted speclal attention. R*SU%l*. The progress made during the year, while not especially striking in any particultlr direction. has been steady and substantial in nearly all branches of the educational work. The teachers are realizing more and more each year the importance of adapting the instruction to local conditions and immediate needs of pupils, and more prac-tical methods of teaching now prevail in most of the schools than hitherto; however, we feel that much remains to be done to bring the work up to the desired standard of efficiency. There is urgent need for the employment of additional domestic science instructors, who can devote, their entire time to teaching the gjrls family cooking. Better facilities for this work should be pro-vlded at a number of schools, but they need not be extensive, as better results will be obtained w~ t hth e equipment usually found in the dining room and kitchen of a small home. The Indians are fast becoming factors in industrial pursuits, espe-cially in those sections of the country where you have established employment bureaus. Large numbers of school boys have, as you are aware, also found profitable employment during the year, and it is believed that this number will increase rapidly as employees be-come more familiar with the practical educational policy you have adopted. In conclusion, permit me to express my ap reciation of the strong support you have always given me in my wo2. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ESTELLREE EL, ~upedntendemt of Indian Schools. I The CO~MMISSIOONF EIRN DIANA EFAIRB. |