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Show rtr'MV- o r coin<~ Drr,' f « -; V'i Tv-". l, r" . r V i" in. J Xovvaiber. " ' * -' Mov/ kc-. -.-> C: AU o- Md.;- : n Vyt'^ Ser. •••'. c/.- Ji; » ^° ""• Yo'in Rjciy TO „ s il* rrrr Sr/. TE* ATTORNEY gtStnct Clf ( EcTjlTtda, DF. HVr. ft, COLO. 3- 73576 June 25, 1915. The Attorney General, Washington, D. C. The trial of the case of the ute Indian, Hatch,, as heratofors reported, has ' oxen set for July 6, and, being the first case on the docket, will b^ gir on that cay* Svery possible facility is being given by the court to the asiszas in the scatter of the subpoenaing of witnesses, and the nost extreme partisan of the Indian can have no yust cause for complaint at his treatment* The party suggested by defendant's counsel *^ c act as the official court interpreter i= jaa designated by the court with my consent, after investigation. In addition, the court will provide the defendant ~ ith a special interpreter of his o^ n race to sit with him and interpret to him curing the course of the trial. It is probably trus uhat nevw: r in vha history of this court has the solicitude that the defendant have every ooafort and be provided with everrv chance for defenae been greater. The proaecuAor.> |