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Show ' . \ j ~ lA '.1, j:l:l ~ f:-; f.:. 0 en p., 0 E-< w ........... E-< z \ 0 t:: ~ ::.:1 I ~ 0:::: ~~ Ll.l .......... E-< ~ c.; ~ ~ P< 0 '.T....' ,~..,.. .... CJl ~ .. ~ -t: H I A :.--. I H X •.. .. c H (/). ~ .......... t-< ;l.. 0 >< z 0 .,......., ~ ~ i-ll v . ..... .,..,., ~ w ;r. ::.J :.... :FRAG MENTS AND EXTRACTS F!.l.OM TB:Ji: U NA. OF 1'Tll': CALIFORNIA PH1\_LANX. \VE left New Orlean Oct. 4th, 1 · 4D, on Loan! tbe steam-boat " .Martha V\'ashingtou ," anl were glad to get out of tbat city c t leu::;tb; but we must confess that no other place in tl1c world could h<::~ \ t: < ffo rded us so good an op portunity to compose and complete our Phcllanx, with so valu~ b1e members. Twenty-fi ve respecta ble and fiuc fellows, (myself, of cour. e, incluJed,) who set out for California, to make :m overland journey of mCJre than two thousand l!lilcs, througlt thr wilderness! Vlell! lVe a re the daring achenturcrs! ~Vaanataa s e lliS to be delighted, perhaps in anticipation of som1 . ceing arrain his nntive wildern ss. En~ry one looks with pleasure and concern at the hand Home fellow, whose national garmr rl1 s att ract t 'w loob of all the 1 clsscngers on hoard, l'ar tic.ularl_v thof'<' of tlw hulics, who smile, with evident ,iPnlousy, at tbc snpposed vanity, CJr rather coquetry, of a rn ()n, to adorn himself with sc1 rn<tll.Y gay n•1d mot1 C'y colours. At (linn ·r, the fair nes were struck at H 'wmatuo', gcnt1 manly demeanour and ii.ne mann(.•r:-;. Neilh r before nor afttr . dinucr diu h -the " .~ '1va . .!1·e,"-chew any tobac"o, or drink any "finwater,"- called bnndy, gin, grog, wl iskey, &(:., RS some of thc·ir "wel1 ed ucaterl" bemtx and husbnnrls cl1d, pestifying tl!C'ir own breath. lVaanaLaa. w·as not ytt so far "civilized " a~ these ' gentlemen." Om French comrades were rathf'r noisy at di rme r, sn that tl1e American ladies anti gentlemen sE:'emed very little pl eased with their r.ompany, for they continually whispered together alld snctrecJ, wh'Le th y looked at the lond talker. . · ,.i'ovnurl evening, we had quite a pleasant amusement on the upper rleck . Our thrl'e Germans, Jlrland, Maxle and Urban, gave a fine voc:al and instrumental cone rt, which <lelightecl all on board. ..fl?·land played the guit<lr, and san~, with .Maxle , a German sonp:, to whiclt Urban blew the clarionct. Thus our first day on 1->oa rd the f.lteam-boat 'vHs very agreeably spent., a~1d so w re the next few days, without . n~ o currence worth LJl f' llttOn ng , €' ·cclJt tlll'lt our thrte concert-o,iver'; drl1o·hted us everv ·~ ~ ~ ( 11) . |