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Show 48 PERSONAL ADVENTURES boar d . As we were thus given to believe that our stay would be a short one, ·we be-came ex t r emely anx~ ious to make the most of our t1. me as bore , where we were permi.t ted to O'O in regular turns. 5 On one of these occasions, one of our com-ra de s 1. nvo lved hi. mself in rather an awkward scrape. Havincor been indnleu :ing •i n deep pota-tions, he picked a quarrel w1th the first Spaniard that he met, and, by 'vay of a joke, knocked him down ; but scarcely was the blow struck, than he 'vas surrounded hy eicrht armed soldiers, who, to carry the jest a 0 little further, conveyed him to the black-hole, in which he soon found himself in the pleasant society of a Relect number of the lazzaroni of Rio. He was searched, and a knife being found upon him, the case assumed rather a serious aspect; for, in consequence of several sanguinary frays having occurred be~ween the Spanish and the American irregulars, who seemed ever on the alert for mischief of this sort, the local government had determined to make an example of the next offender. What IN CALIFORNIA. 49 penalty would have been inflicted upon him I cannot take upon myself to say. I know that it was only by the greatest interest that his liberation 'vas at length procured, and even then at the latest possible moment. However, we 'vere very glad to see him again amongst us, not\vitbstanding that the peculiar diet of the black-hole had extinguished his sprightliness, and considerably reduced him in bulk. The follo·wing incident will furnish another illustration of the free-and-easy discipline of our corps : One of our men asked leave one day to go ashore, which was refused, as it 'vas his turn to remain on board. Upon this, a furious quarrel ensued between hin1 and the second lieutenant, who had mortally offended hi1n by this refusal, and the result 'vas, that the refractory volunteer was put into irons and kept a close prisoner for several days. But he 'vas not disposed to let the matter end there; and spying a boat shortly after l1is release, he beckoned the boatrnun alongside, and sli<l down into his canoe, Lidding hitn n1ttke in all VOL. I. D • |