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Show i\otcs By tlw iWay. ----- --- - ·- ····-- -- l~ lace iu vvhicll \V c . \'\'"er_e. rrhe can1p- I-Iete at _this junction, the COlnpauy we tire .. had be~n ex ta1gu~shed to attract vvere w1th separated, part taking the as httlP notice as possible of hands of ,. right, the balance the left hand road~ tbo~e \Yandering (lPnizcns of the 1nouu- Another train, t.hnt \Ve had ]eft behind tains. Singu1~r H' it n1ay appeur, at ! ns, drove in this evening, Inaki1~g np an. J 1 o'clock at rno-ht ca?1p :vas arous~d, I other condiderable trajn, and it is pre- ·and ordcrert t.e put t lnngs 1n n1arch1ng sutncd -vve are safe frotn an c.tttack to ordrr, to retntc,<' Oltr steps, to rejoin night. The weather as -vve O'ain a lower thn train fron1 \\·hie h we had become latitude gro-vvs wanner. b . ·:-;epa rated, for safPt.v. \t\Thether fear or CA uP 64, .._L\.r G. 16 :-The Inorninrr the auticir)atiou of trouble dictated · d 1 ° \vas q tuet an p easant. The air \Vas this ruovmnent: it )~-; not our province very light, 111aking breathing difficult to say. But c{·rtain jt \vas -vve counter- and unsatisfactory to the lunrrs l~Yerv rnarched fi\-e 1nitcs .ttl) tho train we hn.d indication of a warrn day in the 111orn"' left, and stopped vY~th the1~1 ilhe \vh_ole ]ng and it ct:nne. The snow on the ot the rest of t?e ntght, . w1th a feehn.g 1 111ountain pe~ks away to the north of of perfect secunt.y. In s1lonc~ was tlns u~ reHects back a soft red color, makino-retrograde 1110\'t>lllent acco1nphsherl. the e·ffect pleasant shining throurrh th~ •· 'l'l1e king of Spain. with t.wice ten thousand men bl 1 · h' h h 0 ~l.t~T.ht::d up a, hill - atH.l t.l:cn marched down again,.'' Ue laze 111 vV lC t ey are enveloped. \ Ve trust that another such an occa- The land-Inarks visible from here cau sion nor the Cctnse ·of it, wil1 l>c ealled never be forgotten, when once seen; this upon to record. \Ve have now been vast plain before us, bordered. on eithet ·one 1nonth fron1 Ft. Laran1ie. \ side by a chain of 1nountains----the oneH . . on th.e south we had but recently cleared CAMP G3, Aua. 15 :-· :l\Iorning davvned ----the "Three Buttes" each risinfr up 'dull and h~z~. Not long _after it COin- like a Phcenix fron1 the sand fix tl~enllnenced rannng.. When Jt ~lak~d we selves on the n1emory not to be effaced .. · 1:1oved. out late 111 the n1orning n1 tl~e Th:~ si.~uation, though pleasant for (); ~ear ~f the . long. company. On agam w1nlP, ~~ far fron1 being a. desirable one 'each~u~ tb1~ plu.u1 or desert.. all stoppe<1 f(>r v,ny length of tin1e, because of the to con 'Hlcr future n1ovi~lller1 ts. It soon · barrenncNR. Ft. lfall to the vvest 't'I:Ta' . d .. 1 ' ,n S •re-~ominenc c raunng anc cont.inned long .·incc deserted and is sinking into 'l·~nt:l_ la.t~ a~ld cotnp~1le~l ll8 i·~) r \nllt 'LIU- ! dcc~y. 11he Hoods of the present seaJttl 1t ceaseJ. When i hat O\ ent took Ron J 1:1 vc yery nearly succeeded in ac"" a;> lace, . \V~) :novc<l. on llear1:{ to the scene ! couli')J jshing vvhat vvas left for tin1e to 'of last u1gnts .epL.. ode, _uucl c~t1npcd, \Vt /do, that of obliteratiuo- all traces of ~·lO~e .fer tl:~ n:7h~, hctvln~ ~~~ne~iue~rly \vhat \ Vat; once~a . statio1~ of son1e j 1nporthc d1stanc<. we <l1d on ~c ste1 da~ . Tlte 1 tauct'. Necessanly our t ravolino- -vvns Toads. here fork, one go1ng to thP lett/ shortm1o1l t o-day. Crossed the d. -t ·crossing the south branch of Snake river, I -vve 1w<1 before turned back frorr1• ~:o ·.and .·o on to -yyalln, VVal.la; the other • 1uile~ fi.·on1 the river cap1e to another .g~es to the n~ht, c:·_osH:n~ .thr. ,nort h 1 <,:ncaHlf'nlent \V~ere we found that porhianch of th; ~a.lne l 1ve~ t}nougn t lw · t 1011 ot onr tratn who had left us and Dee~ Lodge l.ranw, aud. ~1tter Root \Ta]- InovPJ on several days before. The Icy, 1;1tcr::>ectn1g the l\f1 h tary roa<l frotu . n1i11d~ of InoRt of the company here as· ~t. ~~n~?ll t o_ F:. ~Vall;~ \~alln. Thi14. f .·rJ nb.lrtl Y\·a~ filled \vith doubt and un- 1!1tt~r 1t t~ ~lecH1P . l i.o take 111 hop.-~ ot i cPrtmuty concerning the practicabil"' -f:ndmg hert<'r fe t>cl anfl \Yili _Pr. Hoth 1 ity of the route they \vere novv cntcr' 1on.r.-~ arc\ Jl ('arly 1lt<' su1t1f' 111 lr.ng-lh. ; ing "Poll. 1\fDny -consultation~ \verc LVotes By the IVay. 29 ·---- __ .. - - -··- --·-· ... - held by little O'roupR of throe or four, 1 tin1c for the train behind to cross the and n1any fectrs t:?t~xprcsscd, of i ts reach- river ancl con1e up -vvith us, rest tileir ing the haven they vvere hoping for . . toek, th,~n all go for\vunl as one. At No atnount of ass urn nee fro in tho~e the titne it vva · thought best to n1ove, who had been there, cau convinc.c the1u in onler to gain a fl ttiug place to ca1np, that there is another rou,c1 to the ,'an1o one vvatroll \VnR ::>till rcn1aining that had place. Son1e go ahm1cl while a large been u11abte to cotnc up. J:'our wagportion go back to the other road. A on:-; \vuitcd for it, as ,,ou1c of the party more pcr1.['e C t pan dO ll10l1t·U U1 \Ve Unv ver \,".C,. "~ft.l•~.:J a1 •~; o LU el11. 11d ,· t11H ~ ()thers, t\vent.v; 1'r1 sa\v. Arrivin()' at the river 1nuch tiu1o nu1nb ~ i·, \Vent on. L3-tc in tbo evening was consun1ed . in ferryinrr. At thi8 the other~ drOV{~ in. Up tbe n ver, over place it is about six hun~lred feet in the plain our course lay. The .road \V~s width, vvith a deep, re1pid currcnt.-- 1 very good . aud sn1oo~h, and the train While the ferryi n rr \V~t ·• in prorrrcss -vve lllOV{'d rap tilly on. 'I he sage brush that spent the t in1e fi$hf'ng, tbnrc bci~g many covrrcd the p lain lining the road as a in the river 1nostly of the speckled \\ra11, \vas large anll llCavy. To the trout and cllu~ Rpccies. _A fine lot :1_,or~h . _the Bu.tes lo~~lc(~ .up like the were taken b estdcs \ve obta1ucd a o-ood ~g) pu11n nlOllUnlBnt. of folly and opappetite to ' enjoy ou~r first n1ess_ of fis h, prc:::~.ion, ri 'iug like itilauds in the sea fresh fron1 tho -vva.te r, on tho JOUrney. Ill tlll broad ~uHl barren area. '\Ve are At this junc ture it coJnlncnced rain; up; 1 no DP:1;·m · t hen1 n~\V tl~nu ye::;tenla.y, and lightly. The ~un il<t(l suuk lovv bdore the r~nul.s L a:1 <.hrectty fron1 then1.~ thin()'s vvere in readiness to n1ove on. \V eathcr extre1ncly sultry. Good feed ; Abo~t two n1iles fnrther a place \Vas sage brush fuel. found to stay over night, _and_ that is a1l CAl\IP GG, Aua. 18 :-The nsuu.l vvork th~ recomn1cnd W? cau g tve lt. It -vvas laid outfor l\fondn.y's, generally requires quite dark when 1t ':as rcue1~ecl , and 110 li t tle tin1e for its pcrforn1ance, hence the s~ge br~sh stanchng so tblek that i :- \VaH (1cei{lNl not to lcu.vc our present close \vatchtng \ Y<l.o.; u e~e::Rary t c.! pre- I c<uup h L~{>l'e uoon. vent the anin1a.L· ft:oru. getnup; _therr hal- This caunot be called a buena. vista, for ters c~ugh.t wh1le fee_chng. Dclng about thore is nothing in sight but sage brush one 1111le h·orn th~ nver, \Vt~ter had to tuld pr1cldy p ear, and tho view of those be brought frorn 1t for vvaslnug. 1Ius- buin9· so farniliar, they lutve son1e t i1ne qui toes are _Plenty aud ravenous, n.ncl the sine(~ ceased to be nutnbercd an1ong rarannoyance 1s great. i t ie:::;. The \\'"Cather being oppres~ively We have b ceu, ancl still arc in a coun- hot, n.nc1 the labors of the fo renoon extry -vvhich abounds with InJ.ians \VhQ hausting, \VC travelet.l but a short dishave a strong i tching for, and a habit of tauce, and catnpcd early. Those \Vho taking" stock" in e1u igrant t rains. r~l~i · have seen sage brush, knovv that they we wish to avoid. As "Eternal v1gtl - are not so soft us oat straw, hence the ance is the price of liberty," so is con- necessity of rmnoving then1 fron1 the tinued ~atchfulness and ca.re on our spots of ear t!1 chosen for bedstcads.part, the price of safety. Our eattle We vvere now sotne distance fi·on1 ·the are brought in, the guard set, n.1~d the river and feed is very good in places. camp settles down to q u iet ncss and slumber. 0Ai\IP 67, AuG. 19 :-..1. \fter following the river for son1e distance, it takes a. 9A)1P_ 65, SusnA:, A.uG . 17 :--Re- I long curve t_o thP . _ so uthv~ard, ~hen tna1ne.d 111 ramp nntd noon, io a11on·, n orth-ea~t . (h·cr tln-; portLon ot H IP !j |