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Show 1 '''U. 'T0\1 '8 C\01'1: C>R, ------- J:'""l ""I polt d•t arMY ('a~e ri• •II to uo h:'(", at all j tv> tunrc th:'ln my eh(l(',- gQ way ! '' .\r1•l ~tth thi:l fin l tX(•re\!ion uf Cl1ntcmpt fl.lr ~allJ"• Jrn OUt 1 .\ unt ('hl•)C \\ luppt"'l the OOn·r (l(f thr hoke- krttlf', rua•l di ·luet'cl to \it.·w a n('nlly·bult.~l fl(tund·c:l'kt\ f1f ¥~l1i('h no t·aty conft.'("Uuner ut •I to ha'o l)\eu n. h:\IIU'(1. 'l'hi!l 1 in~ ',;.14,•1\tl)' the C~:ntnll point or thr nttrtainmt·ntl Aunt ('hit 1 e1r:tn now to hu tl~ nbout t-artlCStly in the supp,·r tl(·p&rtrntnt •' th·rc you, ~[1-... c nncl Pt•t(ll gt·t nut tlr "ny, you ni·l':.!f'r!! (i ·ta't\ny, ~lt·rit•ky, honey,- m:unmy ' II gi..-r hf'r lmhy _.J)mf' fin. by on.t hy. ~ow, ~ll\l'r Ue<>r~"'· you jl'lt toke ofT ol<·m hooh, •ml ot do•n now """ my ohl mnn, nnol I 'II toke up d "'""'~'"• nn•l have ole first !l"iddle full of rnk!'S on your pln<<a in I dan no time .. , "They wanh.\1 n1e to rome to !Upper m th~ ht>UIIl4'1 '' ··I Oe<>rb"'; •· Lul I knew \\hal will!"""' too ""'I for thot, Aunt hiM." '· ~() y~u ditl-~o you clitl, honey," fl.ai'l Aunt C'h)o.-', h<>lpin~ the •rooking hntter-eok"" on hi' plate: "Y"u kM~ 'd your old ounty 'd kC<'p tho he<lt f•>r you. O, 1<-t ynu alone for dnt! Go wny! '' Ami, with thnt, nunty f"'l"e Genrge a nudge w·ith her finger, dt. ign •I to he immen ely fae<tio.,, and tume<l ogain to her griddle with gr<'<ll hri,knh•. (I X ow for the C..'lkc." said ~fRS'r (:coruC', ~h<'n the artiYit.r of the ~.,;J,IIe department hod >omellh:\t •ul"i<h•l: nn•l, ~ith thnt, the yuun;;stcr flourished n. br~ knife owr the onide in tltu.:~tion. •· La Llc59 you, ;\[a.ir George! " soid Annt Chloo•, with enrncstn ~. catching hi~ nnn, "you \\·ouM u't be for cutun'1t wid dnt or great hc:n·y knife ! m!li!h nil do11 n - spite •II Jt pretty ri!'C of it. Here, I 'vo got n thin old lnif<, ll< -r• Alm'l' P"'l"""'· ~·u,_ t.':lt. ou ' t. '"Wtll thcnl 'h. [ ·.,.c h nl ),,u any,' i·l (;('(Jrgf", "th!lt Jinny 111 a J•retty f:ur ('QI)k.'' 1 tl!•l 1 ".I .\uhl ('h1•X'!,-u [ nLI\y :~y .lat n()l)l) )'lain, ('()IJ)JU4)1\ rooklll~t Jmny 11l1Jc)" - 111akt' 1\. J;t••l fl(:>HO o' hn- 1- hsle h(·r tall·rw for, h r et1m (',,1.;, 1 n L t·\tn wJt tttm now, .Jinny'111 rnrn Mkt 1 u't, but tht·n tlll'y ' f.u,- hut l.~•r, rnm~ tl) 1lo ),j hf•r l'nmd1 1 an.l wlut "'"' !-h tltt l \Yhy, h•• 1 :'llt pt -artin ),n ,t~ .... ; hut -..hat k11111 r c-rwtl (':\n .. )lCmalr;~yurN'ftlfl ly1 t,•, lllllt~~lnyour IWJUth, anrl li~ all up lalr puff 1 ~-ow, 1 Wt·ttt O\ ·r th:u ,.b n 'I ~1. ry " |