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Show [ 12 ] Te conjux aliena capit, meretricula Davum .-Peccat uter nojlrum cruce dignius ? acris ubi me Natura incendit ; fub clara 1:uda lueernd ff<!!tEcunque excepit turgentis verbera caudtE, Dimittit, neiJUe Jamofum, neque follicitum, ne Ditior aut form£ melioris meiat eodem. Tu cum, projeBis in.Jignibus, annulo equi}lri, Romanoque habitu, prodis ex judice Dama Turpis, odoratum caput obfcurante lacernd, No11 es vuod .Jimulas ? metuens induceris, atque Altercante libidinibus tremis o.f!a pavore. 55 ~id ,. [ 13 ) Who deems it, with fome wild Fanatics, The only School of Mathematics? Or he, who making grave Profeffion, To lay alide all Prepolfeffion, Calls it a Bookfeller's Edition Of Maim'd Records and Vague Tradition ? You covet, Sir, your neighbour's goods: I take a Piece at Peter Wood's ; And when I've turn'd my back upon her, Unwounded in my heart or honor,_ I feel nor infamous, nor jealous Of Richer Culls, or Prettier Fellows. But you, the grave and fage Reformer, 105 Mull: go by Stealth to meet your charmer ; Mull: change your Star and ev'ry note Of honor for a Bear-flcin coat. That LegHlative head fo wife Mull: fl:oop to bafe and mean difguife. Some Abigail mufl: then receive yo11, Brib'd by the Huiband to deceive you •. :no She |