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Show Weep noL !'or him LhaL's dead and gone. \<>r l•1 dl'"fi:tir II<' drin·n ; Your ('hild i" >'H \'t'd lhrt>lt )..d t .Jto~us ('l1ri >' l; li t• IICI\\' it:l" g'll ll\' (II l lt';t\"\'11. 2 ( oOil(' far H\\'H.Y fro111 \\ i\'kt•d 111('11 , To 111ing·lv \\illt ll1P gtHici, \\'IH> \\':tHIH'tl lltvir roll('~ and llt:tdv lltVIlt \lltilt• 111 ( 'hrif'l 's atoning ]1lood. 3 ' Ti~ li'IH' til t' I rial 11:1 ~ 1-'t'\t'n' Tlt:tl (on• !tint fr(illl your iii'I 'H" l ; B11t ol1! do 'not dt•>' irl' hint 11<>\\ , For lH' lt:t" .~oiH' to rvst. 4 \\ ' llt'll lying >' lll'f' ring 1111 .Y<IItr I\IH 't', Yottr IH•art did alnto~t IH't'<t k , And oft you ~ighed and \\'l'pt alo11d , ()Jt , ('Otl ld Ill.)' ('hi)ci iltl( ~jl('Hk! 5 ,\ nd >'I iII yo11 ltl otll'll ili~ :tllst·nt·t· 1111\\ , .\ncl thi11k .\'1111 an• l1t •n •an•d ; ~ i"tn , look , 11 p tlty ( iod i~ g-ood! \\'oman , tlty t•hild i" >'H\'l'd. 6 1--l iH·d not for hi111 the il<'(lt'l' !vat', \or yit'ld (o ~t >J't• r\ 'g'l'l'(; '"i" l>iil lit(' (';t~kd lil:tl li('>' lt t'l'(', Tl1v gt' ltt is >'park li1tg yd. 00 ResL For The Weary Soul. R1•::-rr for tit<' \\(':try S<>lli , l{eHt, for tlw at·l1it1g IH•ad:-;, lkst, on tltt' l1ill -:- idt', n•st \\'itlt till' gn·nt tiiH·ountt'd dt'<Hi. 2 Ut•f't, for tlw hatth· '~ o'(')', l~l·st for tltl' ntn• i ~ 1'1111 , l{pst, wlll'l"t' till' g<ilt'~ an• l'lo"l'rl \\'itlt l ' \·ening'f' >'l'i!ling "1 111. 3 Pea<·P, \\'lll·n· no ~trifp inlrllrl t·", i>l'Hte, \\'lt('l't' 110 t(IICIIT\'l ~ t'OIIIt', Peaee, for the end .i ~ t I ten• ()four \\'ild lift> '~; i>11sy lnn11. 4 PI'<H'l', the nppt'('>'"l'd an• fn·v, Hcst , oil, .)'<' \1'\'ary l'l'~t; For angl'is gmtrd !IHN' \\'I' ll Who slet•p on lltvir ntotlll'r's hn•a"t. 5 Pl'U('<', t.lt1•n· iH tllll ~it·':-; ~•H IIi<l. Peace, till tlw ri:-;ing 1' 1111 Of tltu t·esurrvl'lion llttll'll l'roclain1f' lift-'s \'idory \\' t>ll, Ul |