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Show 2 LIST OF WORKS ADMIRALTY PURI,ICATIONS; Issued by direction of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty:- A MANUAL 01!~ SCIENTIFIC F.NQUIRY, for the Use of TravellerH. J?ou1·th Edition. Edited by RoUER'l' MAIN , M.A. Woodcuts. l'otit 8vo. 3s. 6d. GREENWICH ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS, 1811 to 1847 a~1d 1847 to 1871. Royal 4to. 20s. each. REENWICII OBSERVATIONS. 1848 to 1855. 20s. each. MAGNETICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS, 1844 to 1847. Royal4to. 20s. each. APPENDICES TO OBSERVATIONS. 1837. Log~trithms of Sines and CosineR in Tim~. 3s. . 1842. Catalogue of 1439 Stars, from Ol>servat10ns m .. de JU 183G lSU. 4s. 1R45. Longitude of Valentia (Chronometrical). 3s. 18!7 Desrription of Alta.zimuth. ;Js. • •rwelve Years' Cata.logne of Stars, from Observations made iu 1836 to 18-n. 4s. Dt>~>rription of Photographic Apparatus. 2s. 1851. Maskelyne's Ledger of St~t•:~ - .as. 1852. I. Description of the Transtt C1rcle. 3s. 1853. RefrMtion Tables. Ss. 1854. Description of the Zenith Tnbe. 3.r. . Six YearR' Catalogue of Stars, from Obsen·attons. 1818 to 1833. 4s. Pian of Ground Buildingll. 3~. Longitude of Valentia (G~tlvnmc). 2s, 1861. Moon's Semid. from Occultations. :ls. Phmetary ObservR.tiot.s, 1831 to 1835. 2s. 1868. Corrections of ElemoAts of Jupiter •md Saturn. 2:~• Second Seven Years' Catalogue of 2760 Stars for 1861 to 1867. 4s. Description of the Great EquRtorial. 3s. 1856. De8crtptive Chronograph. 3,,, . 1860. Reduction of Deep Thermometer ObsArvatwns. 2a. 1871. Hiotory and De~cription of Water Telescope. 3s. 1873. Regulations of the Royal Observatory. 2~ . Cape of Good II ope Observatiou'i (Star Let'lgers) : 1856 to 1863. 2s. 1856. Gs. - ----AstrnoomicalHesults . 1857to18fl8. Gs. Cape Catalog-uE~ of 115() Star.~, reducPcl to the Epoch 1800. 2 '· Cape of Good ll(lpC Astronomical Results. 1859 to 1860. Gs. - - 1871 to 1873. 5s. _ 1874. Ds. Report on Teneriffe Astronomical Experiment. 1856. Go. Para.ruatta Catalogne of 7385 Stars. 1822 to 1826. 4s. STRO}!Ol\IICAL RESULTS. 1847 to 1875. 4to. 3s. each. MAGN'ETICAL AND METEOROLOGICAL RESULTS. 1848 to RErit7g;ri~~- 5~ e~~~E OBSERVATIONS OF PLANE'I'S. 1750 to 1830. Royal 4to. 20s. each. LUNAR OBSERVATIONS. 1750 to 1830. 2 Vols. Roya14to. ::lOs. each. ------------- 1831 to 1851. Ho. l Os. t'rtch. BERNOULLI'S SEXCENTENARY TABLE. 1779. 4to. us. BESSEL'S AUXILIARY TABLES FOR IUS METIIOD OF CLEAR· ING LUNAR DISTANCES. 8vo. 2s. ENCKE'S BEHLINER JAHRBUUH, for 830. Berlin, 1828. 8vo. 93, ~_t~.~E~'~Bi;i~\~gRD:I~~~~gN~IIE4ttAi~~UDE AND LONGILUNA1ug~ E!E~~~T~~NS ~:-GREENWICII. 1783 to 1819. Coruparod MAOLw~~i~lt~~AirtE'~t~~R~8·~· MERIDIAN. 2 Vols. 20s.each. PUBLISHED BY MR. MURRAY. 3 ADMIRALTY PunLICA'rlONs-continncd. MAYER'S DISTANUES of the MOON'S CE , PLANETS. 1822, 3.~ .; 182:3, 4s. 6a. 1821to 183~Tl~E from th!l ---- TAB UL~ MOTU U M SO r. IS l<'T (). vo. 4s. each. ---ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIOLUNM. 1770. 5s. TINGEN, from 1756 to 1761. 1826. Folio N~ ~fOE AT GOTNAUTICAL ALMANAUS, ~rom .~~67 to 18i7, 80s. 129• Sd. each. --lR34-54. 5s. - SELECIIONS .1:'1\0M, up to 1812. Bvo. 6s. 2s. -eac-h. ---- SUPPLEMENTS, 1828 to 1833, 1837 and 1838. --------- TABLE requisite to be used with the N A 1781. 8vo. 5s. · · SABI~:~:H:~~!~.~.L~~l~~~RJ~:.ENTS to DETERMINE THE ~'IG:t1RE GHEPIIERD'S TABLES for Corm&OTING: LUNAR DISTANCES. 1772 Royal 4to. 21s. • --- TABLES, GENERAL, of tho MOON'S DISTANCE from the SUN, and 10 STARS. 1787. Folio. 5s. 6d. 'rAYLOR'S SEXAGESll\IAL TABLE. 1780. 4.to. 15s. ----TABLES OP LOGAlUTIIMS. 4to. 60s. TIAR~'~A~~~~?~~:::c~~ ~~SEIWATIONS for the LONGITUDE -. --- CIIRONOMETRICA T.. ORSERV ATIONS for DIFFEJRENOES of LONGITUDE between DOV&H1 PORTSMOUTH, and PALMOUTJI, 828, 4to. 5s. YEN US Rnd JUPITER: OnSF.RVATIONG of, compared with the TAIILEB. Lortdon, 1822. 4to. 2s. WALES AND BAYLY'S AS'fRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS. 1777. 4to. 21,9. --- REUUC'l'ION OF ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE IN THE SOU'l'ElERN li&MISPJIJI:RE, 1764-1771. 1788, 4to, 10s. 6d. B.A.RBAULD (MRs.). Hymns in Prese for Children. With Illustrations. Crown 8vo. BARCLAY (JOSEPH, LL.D.). Seleeted Extracts from the Tal· mnd, chi ~fly illustmtin;; the 'l'e:tc!liu,; of tile Dible. With an Introduction. lllust\'f.ttions. ~vo. 1-ls. BARKLEY (H. C.). Five Years among the Bulgarin.us and Turks between the Danube and the lllack ile:t. P,1st 8vo. lOs. 6-1. - Bulgn.ritt Before tho W n.r; during n, Seven Years' Experience of European Turkey aml its lnlml>itants. l'ost Svo. lOs. Gel. -- My Boyhood : a 'l•rne Story. .A Book for Schoolboys and other:;. Witlllllu~tratiou~. Po~t Svo. 6s. BARROW (SIR JoriN). Autobiographical Uemoir, from Early Life to Advanced Age. Portrait. 8vo. 163. (J orrN) Life, Exploits, and Y oyages of Sir Francis Drake. Post Svo . 2s. BARRY (SIR CHARLES). Life and Works. 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