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Show , Spring 2004 page 7 "Creativity in the classroom is voices "You must get out of the catalogue "Sometimes 1 don't like being using whatever methods will spark graded on creativity... as a student of your mind. You have to play. the interest of the students and you start to worry about what the You can't be driven by somebody help them understand the materials teacher is looking for, as a result else's agenda. You've got to give to be learned that particular you are only being as creative as yourself permission to make teaching session." the teacher will let you be, not as mistakes..." much as you can be." JoAnne Wright Fred Montague Dean, College of Health William Stonehouse Professor, Biology Junior, Finance "Some classes don't require The biggest challenge to creativity creativity as much as other classes. in the classroom is being "pre- "Imagination is more important For example: with sophomores and tenure... conservatism pays, and than knowledge." juniors, the task is to open them up innovation is risky." to perspectives that might facilitate Albert Einstein creative thought at a later point... Peter T. Martin but 1 don't test them on it." Professor, Civil Engineering "Being creative will make you the Phil Emmi best in the field because it is so Professor, Urban Planning "Creative activity could be interdisciplinary." & Architecture described as a type of learning process where teacher and pupil Cheryl Wright "Creativity is innate, but we forget are located in the same individual." Professor, Family & Consumer Studies it, so it has to be relearned." Arthur Koestler "Experimentation is the key to Donna White creativity." Professor, Modern Dance "Creativity in the classroom is Elizabeth Dewitte a balancing act. You plan to Professor, Art "My classroom simply oozes share your information but you with creativity. My single most need to encourage creative important job is to channel it and responses in class discussions. "Ah, good taste! What a dreadful encourage it." This requires taking a risk to go thing! Taste is the enemy of on a tangent and encourage the creativeness." Robert Breault creative inpulse. You need to give Professor, Music assignments that build upon the Pablo Picasso creative experience in class." "A large part of being creative is to "Happiness lies in the joy of Tarla Rai Peterson let go, to surrender, and give into achievement and the thrill of Professor, Communication your ideas- to stop censoring." creative effort." Meghan Cooley Franklin D. Roosevelt Asst. Professor, Modern Dance |